Chapter 19: Hi, Mom

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The repugnant smell of death, cobwebs, and rat feces fills my nostrils immediately as we take a step into the crypt. Most of the bodies in here have been long gone for over a century, but the beast's sense of smell isn't one I can control. Spilled blood also fills my senses, but I choose to ignore it; for Caroline's sake.

I hear Stefan and Elena's soft voices from outside as they have volunteered to keep Matt and Jeremy with them, and try to explain the mess of a life we actually live.

Damon, Caroline and I don't have to look around long before my sister, hunched over against the far wall, and two humans with sheets thrown over them come into view. I use my vampire speed to get over to her, while Caroline and Damon go over to the humans.

"Rebekah, are you all right?"

Her head lolls over to the side as she looks up at me. I could never be more relieved to see my sister's face again.

"He injected me with a lot of vervain, but I can feel it wearing off. Nik, the Sheriff—"

Caroline's shriek interrupts Rebekah as I hear both sheets being whisked off of the bodies.

"You're not my mom!" I turn my head and see a barely alive groundskeeper silently begging for help.

"Neither is this guy." Damon appears behind Caroline; holding the other groundskeeper up by his collar.

"What's going on?" Caroline is almost shaking as she stands up and appears in front of Rebekah and I. I notice Damon silently ushering the disoriented men out of the crypt.

"That History teacher is crazy and vengeful. Those aren't great combinations."

"Vengeful? What does that have to do with my mom?" Caroline scrunches her face up in confusion. "Or you for that matter?"

Rebekah lazily shrugs before she slowly stands. "According to him, we're just the diversions. I wish I knew what was going on, Caroline. He hurriedly threw me in here with Dumb and Dumber, and stalked off toward some cellar apparently owned by the Lockwood's." She dusts off her clothes and turns to look me in the eyes.

There's something deep hidden in Rebekah's eyes. For some reason, I know that this will be the last time I see my sister; if not for forever, then for so long a time that it may as well be.

Before I can respond, Rebekah's arms are around me; squeezing me tightly. I can hear her softly sob as she slowly lets go and steps away.

As soon as I look to where she should be standing, she's gone.

I feel Caroline's hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure she'll be back, Klaus."

"No. She won't. Like I said at the pond, she is done pretending not to see what I truly am."

My tone effectively tells Caroline to drop the subject, but as I try to turn away from her, she takes both of my hands into her own.

"Klaus?" I look into her blue eyes as they become unreadable seas of emotion.

I feel my face soften at her stare, and I quickly see moisture begin to build up in her eyes. "What is it, Caroline?"

My hand slips out of her grip, only to move up to cradle her jaw.

"I know—" Her breath stutters as she tries to fight back a sob. "I know my mom's a vampire hunter."


"She hates me!" My heart stutters as Caroline gently rests her fingers on my hand that's cradling her face, and looks down so that her eyelashes graze her cheek. "Or at least, not yet. But when she finds out what I am, I may as well be dead to her."

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