Chapter 18: I See Dead People

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"Bonnie, you know it's fine if you can't cast a locator spell yet. I completely understand. You're new to—"

"Caroline, your mother's missing. I can't sit back and do nothing. Plus, I can feel myself getting stronger by the day." I see Bonnie pick up a knife from the map she has put on my coffee table. "Now give me your hand."

Caroline puts her hand into Bonnie's, and the bland smell of Caroline's blood fills the room.

"Since she's your mother, your blood is the strongest tie I have to her." Bonnie closes her eyes and begins to chant as Caroline steps back toward Elena after dripping a few drops of blood onto the map. She hugs herself around Elena's arm as the blood on the map starts to move in a snake-like fashion. Even at her time of distress, I keep wanting it to be me that Caroline is hugging for comfort.

I see Caroline's breathing come to a complete stop as she watches the trail of blood on the map. The room is quiet. Too quiet.

A blur of skin and clothes silently enters the room just as Bonnie opens her eyes and gasps.

"Alaric has her."

"They're at the graveyard."

Damon and Bonnie's voices blend together as Caroline's fear becomes tangible.

"Why the Hell are they at the graveyard?" Caroline's voice comes out in a shriek as Elena fails to calm her down. Stefan walks over to the map and lightly touches the area where the blood has pooled with his hand.

"It's the family plot where Elena's parents are buried. Jenna included."

A twinge of something familiar courses through me. Damon shrugs.

"And? What does Elena's eccentric aunt have to do with any of this?" Damon turns toward Elena as she throws a glare in his direction. "My apologies, but even you can admit that she was a little crazy—"

Damon stops mid-sentence as his eyes go wide. Without a word, he joins his brother, and brings his hand up to the map.

"A little crazy..." Damon trails off as Stefan turns his head toward his older brother's mumbling. My eyes dart to Caroline's frowning countenance, and impatience fills me as I fold my arms, and step forward.

"I think the rest of us would like to know what's going on, Damon." I state. I don't miss Caroline's thankful look in my direction.

Instead of addressing me, Damon starts to speak to Bonnie.

"So, BonBon, you said that the more Alaric died, the crazier he got. So, he died, what, three or four times?"

Stefan snorts.

"Okay. Four or five. Anyway, that means he's four of five times passed crazy. Now riddle me this, witch, could crazy also branch into the 'I see dead people' category?"

Bonnie's face lights up with understanding.

"I'm not an expert on any of this yet, but I'd say you have a point, Damon. Although badly worded, it is a point."

"So, let me get this straight," Caroline interrupts as she shrugs out of Elena's hold and joins the others at the map. "You're telling me that Alaric kidnapped my mom because his dead girlfriend told him to?" I can hear the hysterics in Caroline's voice, and without thinking, I use my vampire speed to get to her side, and capture my hand in hers.

"You have to understand, love, that although this does sound a bit iffy, Alaric is not in a safe place in his mind right now. It also makes sense that he's unconsciously looking to get revenge on your mother considering—"

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