Chapter 9

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"Wait are you feeling sick?" levy asks, worry laced in her voice as she adds the herbs to the cauldron.

"Yeah, why?" I ask and then turn my head to the bin, puking in it. "I knew it! This is bad! We have to hurry!" She exclaims and mixes a bit quicker than before.

" Levy, what's wrong with me!?"


Erza's POV:

The three of us that were standing outside of Porlyusica's began to worry. Gajeel paced as he worried about Natsu and Levy.

Lucy was picking at a string that hanging off of her skirt as she mumbled incoherently to herself.

Myself. I stood there, arms crossed and a poker face. I was going to be strong for Natsu, I had to. For everyone else.

Everyone we left at the guild were worried sick. They all wanted to come and support our pink haired friend. Master made them all stay given Porlyusica's hatred towards mankind. Lucy then stood and walked towards the door. "What are you doing?" I ask as she places a hand on the handle.

"I'm going to help, they're running out of time, they need the help." She then walks in without waiting for my answer and I sigh.

"She's just worried is all, we all are." I hear Gajeel say from behind. "Yeah."


Gray's POV: Before Lucy enters:

"Levy, what's wrong with me!?" I exclaim.

"Long story short..." Tears then run down her face. Before she can finish I turn back to the bin and throw up once more. This time, it's blood. I gasp as it continues to come out. I then turn back to her as she cries and mixes the potion.


"Gray, if we don't remove his mark in time, since you are supposed to be his mate... you'll... die." She says and sobs. I gasp and look between them.

So my life is in their hands now. If this potion doesn't work.... then I'm going to die. I then cough up more blood. Our time was ticking and I felt my life force slowly draining as I felt my mate slowly slip away.

I stumble over to the bed where Natsu lay, still in a ball, cradling his stomach. I could tell he was now awake but his eyes remained closed.

I lay next to him and pull him close to me. If I was going to die then it was going to be beside him. If I was going to die then I want him to be the last person I see.

Then suddenly Lucy runs in and begins helping the others. "Tell me what I can do!" She exclaims and they give her jobs.


About ten minutes later they all begin to panic. I just layed there as I cough and blood began to pool on my shirt. Natsu shivered as he layed there in my arms.

"ERZA, GAJEEL!" Lucy yells and they burst in moments later. "We only have five minutes! Help please!" Levy says and they get to work. I feel my consciousness slowly begin to fade as the seconds ticked by.


"One minute!" Levy yells. Lucy runs over shakes Natsu after pulling him from my arms. I reach out for him but I can't seem to reach. The last thing I see before slipping away, was Natsu's face. He was shaking me, his eyes full of worry as I died beside him.


Natsu's POV:

I shook Gray violently as pain coursed through my body. I cry out as he loses consciousness. I heard everything, and now he's gone. "Thirty seconds!"

They finish the potion with 15 seconds to spare. I cry on Grays arm as I feel the urge to give up. He's gone, why should I try to get rid of the mark. "5 seconds, Natsu drink it!" Then Lucy holds my head back and pours all of the potion in my mouth.

I swallow it just as Gajeel, who was counting down, says '1'.

They all sigh and I feel tears well up in my eyes as I look over at Gray. He remains still and his chest doesn't rise. He didn't make it...

I begin to sob uncontrollably as I drape myself over his body. My head lands on his chest next to the pool of blood that stained his shirt. I could smell it, the metallic scent burning my nose. I cry and cry and then feel an odd, cold sensation on my mark. I feel it disappearing and the longing feeling and pain all go away.

"It's gone and so is he..." I cry out and hug Gray's dead body against my own. The other's walk out of the house and give me my space.

"I-I can't believe your gone." I cry out and nuzzle my face into his chest. "I don't w-want you to l-leave me."

I feel the bed move slightly and then hear a voice. "I won't..." I gasp and look up. There, looking into my eyes, is Grays dark blue orbs. He smiles and hugs me close.

"G-gray... you're a-alive!" I cry and he nods.

"I'm just glad I can now be with you." He says and kisses my forehead. I let out a tear filled shudder and tighten my arms around his torso.

"Promise me." I say and look into his eyes once more. "What?"

"Promise that you'll never leave me..." I say and he nods.

"I promise." He tilts up my face and pulled me into a loving kiss.

I close my eyes and kiss back. We continue our little make out session until we are interrupted. Someone clears their throat and we pull away. I sit up and look behind me. There stands everyone who was working to help with this whole fiasco.

I smile and stand, running over to them. I embrace, first Lucy, while thanking everyone else.

They all join our hug, even, surprisingly, Porlyusica. Then from behind comes a growl. I pull away from them and walk over to a red eyed Gray. He pulled me into a tight embrace and glared at the others.

Used to this from all the other slayers, they just laughed and left once more. I look up at Gray and his eyes stay the same. His chest is still filled with a deep grumble as he mumbles something about me being his.

I roll my eyes and kiss him. When I pull away he is blushing and his eyes are back to normal.

"Sorry, after all that's happened, I feel way more protective of you." He says this quietly and I just laugh.

"Don't worry, now that all of this shit is over with... we can just enjoy ourselves." I smile and he smirks.

"Speaking, of enjoying ourselves, you're coming to my place tonight and we are sending Happy to Lucy's." His smirk widens and I shiver. We then laugh together and he lifts me up, bridal style. I blush as he walks out of the house where the others wait.


I thank Porlyusica once more and we head back to the guild. It was getting late and I was tired. So given I was in Gray's arms, I decided to nap.


Hello Lovelies! Another chapter hell yeah! I'm doing great! Anyway thank you all so much for the support, with your comments, they make me want to write 24/7 just so I can see more! Thanks again! Anyway comment your favorite part of the chapter and I hope you enjoyed!!! ~Em

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