The First Day

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   BILL'S POV:   

         The loud beeps erupted into my ears. Stirring me from my sleep as I struggled to remember where I was. All the memories flowing back of my entire life in an instant and my hand flew to the end table. Smashing the button on top of my alarm clock.
       Groggily sitting up, I ran my hands over my head. Scratching at my scalp, trying to wake myself up. I walked to the bathroom and splashed water all over my face. Staring back up into the mirror I saw the light stubble that had already begun to grow back on my face.
I took a few minutes to shave myself as it's the first day of junior year. Reaching for my tooth brush, I freshened up and went began to get dressed.
       "Bill! First day of school! Let's go!" I heard my mom call up from downstairs. I grabbed my phone from the end table. I turned it on and checked out the notifications.

The Loser's Club Chat:

Eddie: Bill, we're going to coming over to your house. We thought the first day of school would be good to ride up together.

Richie: No, you agreed to that. I think it's dumb.

Stanley: You're dumb, Richie. I think it'll be fun.

Richie: Are you being serious? Do we have to do this?

Eddie: I'm outside your house Richie. Let's go.

Richie: I fucking hate all of you.

       I just smiled down at my phone. Turning it off and putting it into my pants. Heading back to the bathroom, I fixed my hair. The auburn hairs never seemed to stay put.
Reaching outside, I saw my friends sitting there. Richie's eyes were red and he sat with his head in his hands.
"Hey guys. R-ready to go?" They all looked up and smiled, except Richie didn't move. Eddie began picking him up until he finally stood on his own. "Bill... I fucking hate you. I could've slept an extra 30 minutes." Eddie just smiled and got on his bike, same with Stanley.
"Come on Trashmouth, time to go!" Stanley said as he pedaled away. I hopped on Silver and chased after him with Eddie and Richie hot on my tail.
       It was all fun and we were racing each other. Stanley had the head start so there was no way he was going to leave his place. I rushed hard as I saw Richie catching up. He's always been the fastest rider since he got 1st string running back on the football team.
       I was also on the team but you don't run as much as Richie during practice. I have to practice throwing a lot. After all I am the 2nd string quarter back.
       Anyways, Eddie was being left behind and Richie caught up. We were head to head. And then Eddie's shrill scream. Then the screech of tires.
      Richie and I whipped our heads around to see Bowers and his gang in their car. "Richie go! Pull off the road!" I yelled to him and we jumped our bikes onto the side walk. Eddie was too slow and the car was almost running into him. "Speed the fuck up Belch!" Henry roared from the passenger seat.
      Eddie turned his bike and ran of the road, right into a parked car. Bowers and his hang just laughed and sped off. Stanley was already safely off the road.
       "Eddie! Are you okay?" We rushed over and Eddie just had himself propped against the car. "Great first day, huh?" Richie and I laughed and helped him up. Riding up to Stanley, we put our bikes near the entrance of the school and headed inside.
        "Richie come on! We had first period together!" Eddie grabbed his hand and pulled him away to their class. I just laughed with Stanley and he waved me off as he went to his English class.
         "Later Stanley." I walked away and went to my first period which was Calculus. Great. Good way to start the day. I entered the room to see almost everyone in a seat.
         I took the second to last one and it was next to a red headed girl. Is that? No, couldn't be. "Is this seat taken?" She looked at me and smiled, "Hey, Bill. No it's not." I was confused. Maybe it was her. "How d-do you know m-my name?" She just laughed. "You think I don't know the second best quarter back in the school? Also, it's me. Beverly." There it was. Can't believe it was her. I haven't seen her in forever.
But she was here. Sitting next to me in Calculus. Her red hair was short and her freckles were really showing against her pale skin from the summer.
I sat silent, almost thinking that if I said anything or moved at all, she'd disappear. Just like she did all those years ago. Moving away to Portland. But she's really here and still, I was at a loss for words.
She gave a concerned look but diverted her attention back onto the teacher. The last open seat was on her left and taken by none other then Ben Hanscom. Or at least, I thought it was Ben. He was way thinner now and obviously older, like the rest of us.
This was a few of the missing pieces to the Losers Club. After Beverly had left, Ben had slowly drifted away from us until he was gone completely.
Beverly greeted Ben. Way more friendly then when she had greeted me. Were they friends? How long has she been back? Ben and her were talking and he looked over her shoulder to see me. Giving a slight wave.
And I still didn't move. How is this happening? I shifted in my seat finally and faced the teacher. This is going to be a strange year.
After the long class of telling us the rules of the school like every year, Ben and Beverly stood up and began walking. I meant to talk to them but without a word, a look, not even a thought. They left. Joking about, right out of the class room. And I was left standing there feeling empty like I did when Beverly left.
She had not contacted me in 4 years. And here she was returning and almost acting like we were never friends besides the greeting. Has she changed at all?
Looking at my schedule, I saw that I had Physics next. Taking my leave as the teacher eyed me suspiciously, I felt like I was in a dream-like state. My mind was clouded as memories of my old friends flowing back.
Building the Dam with Ben, Eddie, Stan and Richie and fighting off the Bowers Gang. And... Beverly leaving. Always came back to that thought. That time with her.
Eventually the bell rang and I found myself in a chair at a table in a science room. Not really thinking about how I ended up here, I looked over to see Richie and Stan looking at me.
"What's the matter, Big Bill?" Richie said in a dumb low voice. I ignored him and opened up my book for the school, again going over the rules with this teacher. Trying my hardest to get this day over with.
It was always dumb rules, like no splashing chemicals on other students and to be in your seats before the bell. We all knew these things but again we had to relive them. But you forget things. Like old friends. You forget things when you grow up.
"Bill?" I turned to see Stan with a worried look on his face. "Bill, you are looking like you might puke. What's going on?"
"Beverly, when did she get back?" Stan and Richie just gave confused looks. "Bill she's been back for a while. Almost halfway through last year." Even Richie knew she was here? Stan just nodded with him and I gave a grunt of understanding.
Looking back down at the book, I tried to make sense of what the teacher was saying, but the words just flew across my eyes.
Before long as I trudged through all my class we were already heading out of the front doors. "Bill, do you want to hangout today?" I heard Eddie call. Turning I saw my friends. "Y-yeah. But, how ab-bout we go to the B-barrens?" They all stopped walking in looked at me.
"I don't even know the last time we've been there." Richie said first. Stan and Eddie nodded and I just shrugged, grabbing my bike and I began pedaling off.
      Once we reached the Barrens, I saw all the old areas we would hangout. The sewer where we tried looking for Georgie. No Bill. Not now. Those thoughts aren't needed.
     Shaking my head, I walked through the woods until I found the dam we built. Torn apart and old.
      I picked up a board and studied it for a second. Running my hands across it and reimagining our time here. How could we all forget? That's when the rest of the Losers got there. "Hey! The dam we built!" Richie said with a cigarette hanging from his teeth. "Bill, you got a light." Rummaging through my pocket I pulled out an old silver lighter and flicked it on. This hasn't been lit in forever. Not since we all broke up.
       I lifted it up to Richie's face and lit the end of it. Pushing it back into my pocket and grabbing all the supplies from the stream.
        "Bill? Do you want to rebuild it?" I turned to see Eddie was the one to ask. "I... I think the others sh-should be here. To build it. Not just Ben. Everyone."
       "What if they don't want to?" Stanley asked. Nervously putting his hands into his pocket and rocking on his heels. "They will come. They have to." I replied cooly.
      Reaching back into my other pocket, I pulled my phone out and scrolled through my contacts. Adding Ben to our Losers Club group chat and then Beverly.
     My thumb hovered over her contact name for a second. What if she doesn't have this number anymore? I added her anyway and opened the chat.

The Losers Club

Does anyone want to meet up at the Barrens tomorrow and rebuild the old Dam? It'd be a good way to catch up. :Bill

Eddie: Richie, Stan, and I are in.

Mike: Yeah, I finish up chores a little bit after you guys finish school. It'll be fun!

Beverly: Losers Club group chat, huh? Yeah, I'm in if Ben's in. I didn't help with the Dam before though.

Mike: Who cares, neither did I.

Richie: The old gang is getting together!

Ben: Sure, I'll go to the library some other time.

Richie: Seriously? You still go to that. Libraries are spooky. There filled with paper and scary symbols on them.

Stan: Richie! They're* Also it's called books. Wouldn't hurt to pick one up once in a while.

      I turned my phone off and hid the tinge of jealousy that I had from Beverly only going if Ben was. Then I turned to see Richie jumping on Stan at his message while Eddie took some steps back. It'll be like old times.
      After messing around at the Barrens and planning out supplies to get, we headed home. Splitting off from the others on Neibolt ST. I reached my house.
      Getting to my room, I was about to get into the shower when my phone vibrated.

New message from Beverly

      She didn't message my in the group chat. I unlocked my phone and went to read the message.

Beverly: See you tomorrow, Big Bill. Glad to know you kept my number ;)

Just incase you ever needed help in Portland. I never knew you came back! :Bill

Beverly: Well I kept your number too. It'll be fun to be friends again. I've missed all of you.

I happily went to my bed, after my shower, with a smile on my face. She was happy to see come see us. I wonder if she remembers what happened all those years ago. I certainly haven't forgotten.
And with that thought I looked at my drawing book. All the images of Beverly were still there at the front. I made them almost a year after she left. It took a while to forget her. I won't let it happen again.

A/N: So here's my new book. I hope you like the concept. I find it rather interesting to see how Bill and Beverly will reconnect.
Part way through the final paragraph I accidentally deleted the entire story and was about to just quit but THANK GOD for the undo button. Wattpad put it there for me :)

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