Richie's Sleepover Part I

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Bill's POV:

     It had been a few weeks since I told Beverly that we couldn't be friends. And it hurt for a while, seeing her in school or whenever we hung out. Everyday was torture for me until I started hanging out with my friends again. My friends had helped me.
     Richie always knew when to tone it back on serious things so he did that the first week, when I told him.
     I was at Richie's house with Eddie and Stanley, twirling a pen around as we sat in his basement. "So what do you guys want to do?" I asked them all. "Quarry?" Stanley suggested but Richie just shook his head. "No, we have to stay here."
     "You keep saying that, but you don't give us a reason for it!" Eddie said to him and crossed his arms. "Just wait, okay? Later." Richie reached into his pocket and flicked out a cigarette and lighter. Sticking it into his mouth and lighting it. "You want one, Bill?" I nodded and he lit it for me.
     We sat there for a while until I heard a knock at Richie's door. His face lit up and he started going upstairs. I heard his British accent from down here. " 'Ello Love!"
     Soon enough, footsteps were heard coming down the steps and out came Ben, Mike, Richie and Beverly. Her and Ben were holding hands and I just smoked my cigarette from where I was. I gave a small wave when they did, but that's all.
     We were all sitting and watching tv. Telling jokes or stories, just having an overall good time. But I couldn't stop looking at Beverly.
     She was wearing jean shorts and a sweatshirt that was big on her, possibly one of Ben's old ones. It had been rolled up a bit to actually show that she had pants on though.
     Eventually I was snapped out of my day dream when I saw Beverly staring right back at me. "Do you mind?" She asked, gesturing towards my cigarette. I just shook my head and handed it over to her. Our fingers lightly touching and it felt like a spark.
     Dammit Bill. Could you be any more like a chick flick. Feeling a 'spark.'
      She handed the cigarette back to me and before I could even raise it to my lips, the yelling already started.
      "Who's up for drinks?!" Richie yelled, swinging two bottles around wildly. Eddie groaned and through his head into his hands as Ben, Stanley and Mike cheered.
      I sat with my cigarette stuck in between my teeth and my back against the wall, watching them take shots and Richie trying to force Eddie to take it.
      "It's just like medicine, Eddie! Come on!" I chuckled and looked over at Beverly. She was offering a drink from Ben for the third time to which he would shake his head and turn back to Mike and the others.
     "Not too keen on drinking?" I heard the words escape my lips before I even thought about who I was talking to.
     The music was too loud for the others to hear me but I knew she did by her face. She seemed startled that I had spoke to her but quickly smiled.
     "I don't feel like puking tonight. Or sleeping around with random people." She put emphasis on the last part as to show what I did at our little celebration party.
     I looked over to the others and laughed a bit. "Very funny, Marsh. I didn't sleep with her though. At least... in that way. Besides, none of us are random people." I turned back towards her and locked our eyes. I saw her cheeks turn a light pink and I grinned.
     "No one here worth sleeping with in my opinion, Denbrough." She seemed pleased with herself at that as she leaned back and crossed her arms. A wide grin plastered across her face.
      "Oh really? Not even Ben?" I knew that hit her hard. She quickly sat up and her face turned even redder. "No... I-I didn't mean... just... Ben... of course. If that's what Ben and I would like to do." She regained herself eventually and I just shook my head. Sure, Beverly. If that's what you two would like to do...
      I stood up and grabbed a quick shot glass out of Richie's hand, downing it and slamming it back onto the table. "The fuck, Bill! Get your own!" He turned back and started refilling with the others.
     Making my way upstairs, I went to the porch and leaned up against his house. Dragging another cigarette from my pocket, I stuck it in my mouth and cupped a hand to block the wind as the other lit it.
     After a while of hanging out by myself, I heard the door open and out came Beverly. "Hey, not having the time of your life down there?" I asked her jokingly which made her smile.
     She took a seat on the bench and put her head in her hands. "Hey, is everything alright?" I handed her the cigarette as I said this and she took it. "Yeah... well, no. I don't know what I'm doing." She handed it back to me after a few drags and I finished it off.
     "What do you mean? You don't know what you're doing?" She looked up at me and had a sad smile on her face, easily one of her fake smiles. "What am I doing? I ruined my friendship with you so I could be with Ben. Ben is great but... I think it's just because he's there for me. He was there when you weren't."
     I stood silent for a minute and she didn't take her eyes off of me. "Bill?" I just shook my head and finally looked at her again. She had sadness in her eyes and worry. I could see them tearing up slightly.
    "Don't try and turn this around again. Flipping from me to Ben and back to me. You can't keep doing that. I don't know if it's on purpose but..." I didn't even finish my sentence and just stared off at the neighborhood.
    "Bill, I'm not trying to come back to you. You're the one who started talking to me after saying we can't be friends. How's that for turning shit around!" I couldn't deny that. She was right. I did begin talking to her again. It just felt good to be the reason she was smiling or laughing, especially blushing.
    "I know. I know what I said. But, we can't stay away from each other. I mean we're at a god damn... what is this supposed to be? A party?" She laughed a bit and it felt good to change the mood for her. "I'm sorry Bev. I fucked up. I know. Let's just be friends again? Can we do that?"
    She slowly stood up and took my hand in both of hers. "Of course we can, Billy." We were so close to each other. Our faces were only inches apart and she started leaning in at the same time I did. I shut my eyes awaiting this blissful moment where our lips can finally collide.
    "Aye, Bill? You upstairs?" I heard Richie call. Beverly quickly let go and took a few steps back, not meeting my eye. "Let's just go downstairs now, Bill."
    We were so close to kissing and now she is trying to keep it clearly as friends. Dammit Tozier. I'll have to get you back.

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