Richie's Sleepover Part II

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Beverly's POV:

     I made my way back into the house behind Bill. Before I could follow him into the basement, Richie stopped me. "Are you okay, Bev?" I stared at him dumbfounded.
Is he being sincere? Genuinely concerned about me? "Y-yeah. I'm fine." Is all I could get out. He just gave me a frown. "Really? You seem to be stuck in between Bill and Ben."
     I could feel my cheeks start to heat up at the mention of Bill. Why because of Bill? We weren't together. I'm happy with Ben.
     "I'm not stuck, Richie. Ben and I are together. That's final." Richie rolled his eyes and pushed his glasses back up his nose. "Keep saying it, I guess. But don't lead Bill on then. I saw you two on the porch. If you want to be with him, fine. If not, fine. Just try to pick soon."
     Before I could respond, he walked down his steps and joined the others to continue drinking, I'm assuming. Was Richie right? No way. He's probably too drunk to know what he's talking about. He didn't seem drunk though.
      I shook the thoughts from my head and followed what Richie did and joined the others.

I laid my head back against the couch, closing my eyes for a moment as I was starting to get a headache from thinking about Ben and Bill for the last hour. And just when I opened my eyes I looked right into his. I could feel myself getting lost in his eyes and his perfect smile. Bill... I mean Ben. Of course, Ben.
I looked around quickly as I felt heat rising in my cheeks and I'm sure I was blushing. I saw that everyone was getting ready for bed and the only people still awake were Richie and Bill.
"Alright guys, I'll see you in the morning. I'm sleeping upstairs. Help yourselves to anything in the kitchen." Richie groggily mumbled as he dragged his feet up the stairs.
Bill quickly got up after Richie left and sat on the couch with me. "You tired?" He whispered as there were a few people sleeping around them. "Not really, just bored. And cold I guess." I noticed him trying to look me in the eyes but I knew I wouldn't be able to meet his gaze and he huffed as he got up, "I'll find a blanket."
Bill quickly returned and threw it overtop of me as he reclaimed his seat. I noticed he was shivering and decided to say something, "You can move in closer. To get under the blanket." I knew my face was red and he grinned wildly as he scooted close to me. Our bodies practically rubbing on one another.
I felt his hand grab mine and I let him as I was paralyzed by his movements. "Bill... I don't think..." I started but Bill leaned in close. "Please stop Beverly. Just do what you want to do. But if you say no, I'll get up and leave." And just as finished talking, he slowly leaned in. Our lips brushed against eachother and I felt my stomach do a flip. My face was red hot and I had a hand on his chest but I gave no pressure or sign that he should stop. And slowly my lips began moving against his. My other hand went up into his hair and his cupped my face. Slowly laying back on the couch as Bill climbed on top of me.
We were still kissing slow but I could feel Bill holding back, I did appreciate that as I was so flustered, I could barely keep up with the pace we were going at now.
His mouth trailed away from my lips and began going down my neck, leaving marks that would soon be seen by everyone but in that moment, I didn't care. I wanted this.
My legs were spread open as Bill's body was in between them and he kept rubbing against my core with his body. He was almost driving me insane. "Bev..." Bill mumbled against my skin and I felt his chest vibrate from the noise.
I rested a hand on his arm and I was starting to feel his muscles along it. When I got to his bicep he removed himself from my neck. "Bill?" The worry in my voice was noticeable but all he did was quickly grab the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head. Even though it was dark, I could still admire him and I had not paid attention to him being shirtless in quite some time because he was sexy. His 8 pack abs had me reaching out and running my hand across them.
"Do you like it?" Bill whispered with a soft chuckle. I nodded and leaned up to kiss him but Bill stopped me and grabbed the bottom of my shirt, he threw a look at me as if asking for permission and I slowly nodded. Bringing it over my head, Bill tossed it to the ground and ran his hands on my stomach. He had large, rough hands but they felt so good and I leaned back as I let Bill explore me.
I had never been touched the way Bill was doing so now. His hands moved up and grazed against my bra, my lust for him was taking over and I reached behind myself to unclasp it when the lights flickered on, blinding me. Bill immediately rolled off the couch, landing on the ground with a thud and I pulled the blanket up to my chin, pretending to be asleep. I even turned my face towards the couch as my red and sweaty face would be a dead give-away.
"Hey Bill, you're still up?" It was Richie's voice.
"Yeah. Couldn't sleep." Bill groaned from the ground. "Wonder why... Have you seen my phone? I came down for it." I heard some shuffling and then Richie went back upstairs, turning the light off with him.
Then someone grabbed my arm and I rolled over to meet Bill's eyes who cupped my face and gave me a soft kiss before lying back down on the ground. "Goodnight Bev." He whispered. "Goodnight Bill." I whispered back, smiling to myself.

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