The Meet Up

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A/N: Sorry if the format is a little weird. I'm typing on my computer finally so it will be different from time to time. If it really bothers anyone, I can change it back to the normal format. Just let me know! Enjoy!


Waking up in my bed, I felt my hand already wrapped around the cigarette box under my pillow. Stop, Bill. My grasp slowly loosened on the box and I rolled over to see I was two hours early for waking up. I rolled over trying to get some more sleep but after 30 minutes, I gave up. Grabbing my phone, I saw a text from Beverly at 3:34 am

Beverly: Bill, sorry to bother you. Could you reply soon?

Bill: Hey, sorry I was asleep. What's going on?

Beverly: I just couldn't sleep. I didn't really know who else to text. I keep having nightmares from that night.

Bill: It's one of the only things I think about or dream about. Nobody ever wants to talk about it though.

Beverly: I've noticed that they don't like it. Obviously none of us do. But if we can't get it out of our heads, It should be something to talk about.

Bill: If you want, you and I could always talk about it.

      As soon as my thumb hit send, I regretted it. You know why you want to go talk about it. It's just to see her. After convincing myself it wasn't just that, I reached for my phone again.

Beverly: That'd be great, actually. Could I see you tonight? It'd have to be late, If you're alright with sneaking out.

Bill: Yeah, does 11 sound good?

Beverly: Sure, see you then.

Bill: Bye

Rolling out of bed, I looked at the time and realized I had 30 minutes before school so I decided to shower. I always enjoyed showers in the morning. If you need to wake up, you can easily take a cold shower. But if you need to calm down and prepare yourself for the day, you can take a hot shower.

This morning, I need a hot shower. Too many thoughts in my head. The incident with Henry, football, school... Ben and Beverly. I was really hoping the talk with Beverly would help me with dealing with Henry. Maybe the memories wouldn't be so harsh.

As if on cue, I stick my head under the water to wash my head and get sucked into the dark pit that was Henry Bowers.

Gasping for breath, I scream out in pain. Looking around, I see that The Losers and I are sitting in someones garage. No, my garage. I spit out the water that I now see Stanley had poured onto me. "W-wuh-what's g-going on?!" My throat hurts and I almost choke on the words. "Bill, hold still! This will burn!" I look to see Eddie was the one yelling and he poured some bottle onto my stomach as I scream out in pain.

I try raising my arms but Mike is holding my left and Beverly is holding my right arm. Only, Beverly is mainly just squeezing my hand, tears were blurring her eyes as she looks down at my. A hand travels up to my face and cups my cheek. "Beverly..." I scream out again as Richie applies pressuring to my wound.

I start breathing slowly and I close my eyes. I feel Beverly's fingers running through my hair, she was shaking very badly. "It's alright, B-buh-bev. I'm okay..." My vision blurs out and I see Beverly's mouth open to yell but nothing came out. It all went black after that.

"BILL! You will get out of that bathroom NOW and go to school! You're going to be late!"I heard my dad pound against the door. "BILL?! NOW!" I rub the water out of my eyes angrily. "COMING!"

"Don't raise your voice at me, boy." I laugh a bit at that, 'Raising my voice.' Yeah sure, that's not what you just did at all. Drying myself off, I looked at the mirror and saw the scar running on my gut. I slipped my fingers across it, then quickly started dressing myself.

I threw on a pair of jeans and a red flannel then ran out the door to my bike. Hopping on, I felt the wind immediately rush through my hair and across my face. I was pedaling hard. I can't be late this early in the school year.

I parked my bike and walked in with a swarm of students. Guess I wasn't that late after all. I sat down in homeroom with my earbuds shoved deep into them. I crossed my arms across the desk and proceeded to burrow my head into it. I was very keen on falling asleep before school officially started.

Right when I was drifting away into the blissful sleep in school, I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Yeah, what?" I was a little angry in the morning. I look up to see Beverly. I forgot she was in my homeroom. "Just wanted to say good luck on the game Saturday..." She had a sad look on her face and she took her seat in the back, not looking at me.

Reaching for my phone, I open up the chat with Beverly.

Bill: Hey, sorry, I'm just upset in the morning. Are we still meeting up tonight?

Beverly: I guess.

God dammit. I upset her. I looked back to see her arms on the desk and her head laying on it, pointing the other way. I got up and was about to walk back to her but the Pledge came on to start the day.

(Sorry, I got back on my phone. So my format is going back to how it used to be)

    I took my seat after the Pledge and waited to begin the day. Soon enough the bell rang for us to start moving to our next classes. I made it to Calculus and took my normal seat next to Beverly.
     I tried to look over at Beverly but she was talking with Ben. No way that I was going to interrupt their conversation. I sat in my chair as the teacher droned on and I drew random shapes in my journal.
    That's when my phone buzzed in my pocket and I secretly took it out while the teacher wasn't looking.

Richie: Hey, I just heard that you are starting this Saturday's game. Nice job, Bill!

Bill: Yeah, should be fun. Kind of worried though.

Richie: You'll do great! And all the cheer leaders will be after you. I have to hangout with you and them after!

Bill: I don't think I'll hangout with them. Probably just going to stay home.

Richie: Wow dude. You're leaving me hanging here. I need you as a wingman. Just think about it.

    I put my phone away and just day dreamed my way through the school day. Dreaming about literally anything else. Hanging out with the Losers and playing football, the talk with Beverly.
    Eventually I was riding my bike through the neighborhood, heading home after football practice. Beverly had been there watching Ben again. But she left early, probably her Aunt calling her back home.
    I came home and my dad was shaking me saying how he heard about me starting this Saturday. Yelling about not disappointing him and other stuff I didn't pay attention to.
    I just went to my room and waited for it to be 11. I spent my time texting the Losers and drawing pictures of Beverly. I always hid them under my mattress. Just in case.
     Beverly and I had agreed on meeting at the park so at 10:50, I opened my window and slipped out onto the roof. Slowly moving to the edge and climbing down onto the fence.
     Riding Silver over to the park was harder than I thought, I was very tired after football and staying up late tonight.
     I sat down at a park bench and looked around for any sign of someone. I saw nothing. When the time reached 11:16, I felt like she wasn't coming and started to walk away before I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind.
   "I missed you, Billy."

High School Sweethearts Aren't Real (Bill x Beverly)Where stories live. Discover now