Can't Upset Him

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    The arms wrapped around me were tight and the voice was soft, blissful and small. I turned around in their arms and met eyes with Beverly. She quickly let go, enlarging the space between us. "Sorry, just... yeah, I missed you. All the Losers."

    "Yeah of course. You're fine." We both sat down on the park bench and she started asking about what I have been experiencing after that night with Henry.

     "Mainly, a lot of memories keep coming up. It's almost like I'm there. Reliving it and I can't change anything. It's awful." She scooted a bit closer and was looking at me as I stared at the woods ahead, but I saw her.

     "I don't know if they are getting better. Sleeping isn't too great either. Lot's of nightmares." I turned to face her and she nodded slightly. "I'm lucky if I get an hour of sleep at this point."

     I felt her fingers lightly brush against my hand that was on the bench. I hesitated but slowly began to move over her hand.

"Everything will get better, right? We just need time?" She nodded but was staring at our hands before she quickly withdrew like the hug.

     Beverly was obviously battling something inside of her head. Maybe she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. I felt her head rest against my shoulder. "Beverly?"

     She gave a low response and I didn't catch any of it, so I just sat in silence. Listening to the bugs and the wind. More importantly I felt the way she moved when she breathed and the enchanting rhythm of her breath.

     I wrapped an arm around her slowly. Trying not to wake her and getting myself comfortable. I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep.

     I woke up and shifted around wherever I was. Turns out it was a couch but something on top of me, stopped me from moving too much. I rubbed my eyes was met by an asleep, open mouthed Beverly. She looked so cute, even when she was drooling on my shirt.

     I recalled the previous night and began to shake a little. Beverly then stirred and looked up at me, then back to the wet shirt I had. "I'm sorry, Bill. I just kind of... fell asleep."

     She was flustered and began sitting up, but my arms caught her and pulled her back into her position. She eased in and sighed when she was lying back down.

    We stayed in each other's company for a while and I noticed the other Losers getting up. Only then did I realize they were there and that we were at Richie's house.

    I kept trying to remember parts of the previous night, when a lot hit me. More specifically, Henry's knife piercing my stomach.

     The pain in my stomach came as if on a signal. I clutched it and Beverly quickly sat up, startled. "Bill, are you okay? See guys! I said we should take him to a hospital." Mike was yelling and running his hand through his hair.

Beverly just looked at me worried and was holding my hand as she sat next to the couch. "Hey, I'm f-f-fine guys. Just a bit sore."

Ben came over and sat next to Beverly. "See, he's fine. Can I talk to you?" Beverly didn't take her eyes off me but nodded slowly. They got up to leave and Ben threw a look at me.

Richie slowly came over. He was very cautious, which is unusual. "Hey, Bill. You can stay here as long as you want. You might want to call your parents though." He handed me an already lit cigarette.

Taking the cigarette from him, I sat up and pulled out my phone. I took a drag and called up my mom. Telling her some bullshit that, 'I was going to train at Richie's for 2 days' and 'I'm sorry that I didn't call.'

After being serious for once second, Richie immediately starts on an old country man voice and tries to get Stanley to, stick 'em up.

Eddie changed my bandages and Mike tried to get me food but I told them all I was fine. I went upstairs to the porch and pulled out my own pack of cigarettes as I had already smoked Richie's.

"You don't look well..." My eyes snapped open and I looked down to see Beverly staring up at me. "What?"

"I said you don't look well." She said it very low and soft as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She seemed to realize that she was resting on me as she got up quickly and pulled out her phone. "Sorry, Bill. It's late. I have to go."

"Right, yeah. It's fine. I had a good time." She just nodded and began walking away. I stood there feeling empty. Like nothing good had come out of our talk.

I made it to my house safely and without waking anyone up but I couldn't seem to sleep anymore. I couldn't tell if it was my memories still flooding in or that my mind couldn't stop from thinking of Beverly.

I took out my phone and texted her. I wanted to see what she thought of tonight and what seemed like her liking me.

Bill: Hey, enjoy your sleep tonight?

Beverly: You couldn't sleep either? It was alright. Not the most comfortable.

Bill: Are you saying I'm not comfortable. Pfft, C'mon Bev. No lies here!

Beverly: Very funny, Bill. But, I need to tell you something.

Bill: I can't hear you so, I'm all eyes.

Beverly: I'm really sorry but Ben kind of doesn't want me to talk to you. I really do like having you as a friend but tonight made me feel really guilty. I just don't want to hurt Ben. You understand right?

Read - 2:37 am. (The current time for what's about to happen is 2:53 am)

Beverly: Bill?

Bill: Yeah, sorry. I understand. No problems here.

Beverly: You sure?

I flicked the lighter on as I took it up and lit the cigarette. Puffing out smoke before I turn off my phone without replying.

Turning over in my bed, I stared at the wall. Wondering how in the hell, I'm going to fix myself after this.

I felt strong arms shake me awake. "Bill! You damn deaf? I've been yelling for you! Get your shit together and wake up on your own!"

Without a thought of what was going on, I hurled myself into the bathroom. Immediately brushing my teeth and fixing my hair. I changed into new clothes and rushed out the door to ride to school.

After sitting through homeroom, I was finally back in Calculus. Beverly came in with Ben and they took their seats. She didn't give a glance or even a breath in my direction.

This hurt more than her moving away, now that I think about it. Much sleeping in class and smoking in the bathroom had gone by before I arrived at football practice. It was the day before the big game.

We had a pep talk by our coach and ran onto the field to run through a few plays. We weren't tackling hard but when I saw Ben get pushed away and the glint in Keith's eyes. I knew I was hit.

My hand dug into the ground and a sharp pain shot through my body. I then crushed my hand with my own weight and Keith's on top of me. I heard yelling and felt him pulled off.

Richie helped me up and could tell immediately, something was wrong. "Bill, are you good?" I just nodded and tried flexing my hand which had never hurt like anything I've experienced.

But I picked up the ball and got back in line. I found a new surge of confidence despite the obvious injury and called out to my teammates. "Come on boys, we've got a game to win!" I heard them roar at this and I looked at the bleachers to see Beverly waving to Ben.

This'll be one tough year.

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