The Celebration

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    The rough texture of leather ran across my fingers as they grazed the ball. Just that small touch already made my entire hand twitch in pain.

     I bit down hard on my mouth guard to help cope myself. We were down my 3 points this game. 14 seconds in the game and we had no fire left in us. Everyone had accepted our demise this game.

     I firmly gripped the ball and called out to everyone. The play started. I immediately jogged right as I knew Ben would soon fall. Faking a handoff to Richie, He smashed into my hand by accident causing some tears to well but I ignored them.

     I could hear everyone yelling "THROW IT!" And I saw someone being covered by two guys. Screw it. I began running down field. Running as fast as I could and getting past everyone. It all happened so sudden that everyone seemed dazed. I raised my other hand to the sky as I was a few yards away from winning this game.

     I saw a certain red head through out the crowd, jumping and screaming. And I passed the line. Stepping into the end zone.

     I was immediately hugged by Richie who was screaming and the rest of the team lifted me up. I raised the ball and the whole crowd began chanting.

     When I was set down, I felt such a boost on my ego and happiness in my mind that I ran to Richie. "Hey, still need a wingman?" Richie's eyes lit up. "HEY FUCKERS! BILL SAID PARTY AT MY PLACE! LET'S GO!"

     The roar from the stands erupted even more and everyone was cheering. I saw Beverly hop a fence and start running over. An ear to ear grin and her hair bouncing around with her body. She looked perfect. Ben's arms slowly wrapped themselves around her and lifted her up.

    By then, I had already began walking away. A car pulled up in the parking lot where everyone was walking and asked me to get in. That they'd give me a ride to Richie's. I saw Richie leading a 'parade' down the street to his place and got it.

    "Thanks. I didn't feel like walking." I quickly began massaging my hand. Trying to relieve the tension. "Hey, it's not problem. You seem like the type of guy to hangout with us." I looked around them all and saw a manipulative asshole who's talking to me. Some goth girl, a stoner and one of the cheer leaders.

     "Yeah... totally." They didn't catch on to sarcasm and we sped off to Richie's. Upon arriving, the door was wide open and you could hear the music from a street down.

     People were outside and inside, all smoking and drinking. I'm guessing his parents are away again. They always are.

     I stepped inside with my new 'friends.' And we went to the basement to see the Losers' and a bunch of random people. "Hey guys!" I sit down on the floor and my back was pressed up against the couch.

I could feel his eyes burning into me. I stole a glance at him and saw Ben glaring. I quickly turned back to see Eddie and Richie arguing. Eventually Eddie gave up and Richie got excited.

"Alright lads! Time for spin the bottle!" He set it down and everyone was taking their turns. The stoner that I rode with, who's name was Garrett, got Beverly and they shared a kiss as Ben protested.

I was up next and landed on the cheer leader in my new 'friend' group. Emily was her name and she straddled into my lap, giving me a very passionate kiss. I sort of gave the kiss back, but it didn't feel that great with her.

When she got off her hand traveled down my chest and she winked at me. Richie immediately handed me a red cup and I took it cautiously. "Richie... what's in this?" He just gave me a 'come on' look. "Fun Bill. Fun is in the cup. Fucking drink it."

High School Sweethearts Aren't Real (Bill x Beverly)Where stories live. Discover now