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My legs were aching. I had been running for what felt like miles but at the same time, I felt like I was running no where.
The screaming only got louder and louder. By the second it just rushed into my ears. Almost like when you're upside down too long and the blood rushes to your head. The pounding in my head and, honestly, entire body just got more intense with the loudness of the screaming.
I was barefoot. Brushing against the grass and I looked around me only to see darkness. I couldn't take it anymore. Keeping up my full sprint no matter what my lungs told me, I turned around. Seeing all the Losers doing the same thing I was. Running.
Then it was Bowers and his gang. Chasing us. Henry had his knife out. Slashing away at Ben who was so close to being caught.
We kept running through the field in the never ending darkness. My vision started to give up. It was coming. A yelp sounded over the pounding in my ears. Turning I saw Henry on top of Ben.
I dug my feet into the ground. Immediately stopping as the others got behind me, looking to see what I would do. I felt my mouth open but no noise came out. But Henry looked up anyway and my legs moved without my knowledge, full sprint at Henry. I tackled into him and crushed him into the ground.


I raised my fists and pounded them against his chest and face. Beverly and Mike grabbed Ben as Richie jumped on Belch. Stanley and Eddie grabbed Patrick and they took him to the ground as Richie got beat up.
Eventually Henry flipped me over and took the knife. I saw him raise it and bring it down but felt nothing. Eddie ripped him off me as I felt my mouth open again but no noise. There was always no noise from me. Just occasional yells from others and the pounding in my head.


I felt my body roll over and my arm grab my stomach. I was not in control anymore. Then the pain hit and the pounding was louder and harder. I looked at my hand through the darkness. Black fluid was all over it. All over my chest.
Beverly shook at me, yelling something at me. Stanley and Eddie were pinning Henry. The other two ran off and Richie held Henry's knife, safely away from him.


I looked at all of them and felt cold tears run down my cheeks. My stomach hurt. So bad. Like a sharp cramp but far worse. Then my eyes rolled into the back of my head and...

My eyes flew open and my hand crashed onto the end table, smashing the snooze button of my alarm clock.
I sat in sweat, my shirt was drenched and my face was too. I tried calming down. I threw my sheets off of myself. Slowly moving my feet over the edge of the bed. I reached underneath my mattress and pulled out a small box and my lighter.
I opened the box and pulled out a cigarette. Putting it into my teeth and flicking my lighter on. I lit the end and sucked in. Letting the smoke fill my lungs and then exhaling.
I sat there a while until I heard knocks at my door. "Bill! School! You gotta go!" Throwing my cigarette out of the window, I took a quick 2 minute shower and got dressed. Rushing out my bedroom door.
I grabbed Silver as I got out the door and swung my leg on top after running alongside it. Placing my feet firmly on the pedals and the wind rushed through my hair.
I arrived at the school to see Richie and Eddie putting their bikes away. I put mine away next to them and Stanley rolled up next. "Another day at good ol' high school. Let's get our learn on!" Richie yelled as people stared at us all.
Eddie pulled his arms down and we all entered the building. Images of that nightmare flashed through my eyes as I walked through the halls. No. Not nightmares. Memories.
I reached my first period class again. Calculus. Moving to my seat, I watched Ben ad Beverly entering the room. Laughing and she was very close to him. They've really become good friends, wow.
I couldn't help but feel jealous at the two. Beverly and I used to be like that. Only... well... it was just different. My thoughts were shaken when I heard that beautiful voice.
"Billy?" She called me Billy. Billy! That name! I haven't heard that in years. God that name. I was staring at her for a while and she just continued as if nothing happened. "Are we still going to the Dam after school?"
"Y-yeah. Of c-course. Ben, we need you for this. You were the mastermind behind it all." He grinned at me and Beverly put a hand on his shoulder. "Little Ben? An architect?"
Ben turned a deep scarlet and just shrugged a bit. "I wouldn't... no... I just... they did most of the work." I shook my head furiously. "Without you, Ben, that Dam would've been as lousy as the first one that we made."
"Wow Ben. I've seen that Dam but I didn't know you planned it. That's incredible! Good job!" She rubbed his back and I felt my ears get hot.
Sitting normally in my seat, I waited for the teacher to start the first lesson of the year. But my eyes began drooping a bit. And the memories flashed again.
The black crap was covering my chest and was now all over my hands. My mouth opened and again no sound but I could feel something in my throat. Like the noise was there but not for me. I grabbed Beverly's arm and she kept yelling to the others.
Mike grabbed my shoulders and called Eddie over. Richie used Henry's knife to cut off his jacket sleeve. He pressed firmly against my stomach and I could feel myself soaking it.
I felt myself jerk awake at the sound of the bell. I was clutching my stomach. My cold hand was underneath my shirt, running it's fingers against and old scar. Tears were staining my cheeks and I wiped them away before anyone could notice.
I stood up and collected my things and ran for the door as I was the last one again. Reaching the hallway, I saw Ben and Beverly already heading to their next class and I went to Physics, hoping that these little episodes would stop. I can't be reliving this.
I took my seat and Richie and Stan entered the room. "Bill? Why is it that 2 days in a row you look like you want to die?" I ignored Richie's comment and just gave them both concerned looks. "Guys, I keep having memories. Of the night."
       "What night, Bill?" I could tell Stan was worried and Richie might've been too but he was hiding it and kept his mouth shut for once.
       "That night, Stan. THAT night." Stan got pale and just looked away. "I'm not talking about that." He murmured. "Bill, as much as that night was fun. I'm with Stan on this."
        And that was the end of it. No more talks of it. I drifted though my other classes. English, US History, Zoology, Astronomy and all the other crappy classes.
       I exited the building and grabbed my bike with the others. "Let's get going guys. We don't want to waste any time." Then a burning sensation arrived on the back of my neck and left just as quickly. Turning I saw Henry standing, he had flicked the butt of a cigarette at me.
       "B-bowers! Get the hell out of h-h-here!" I yelled at him and that's when the first punch landed. I came crashing...
        ...To the ground. Henry had gotten back up after the Losers stopped holding him. After throwing Richie to the ground, he pushed Mike. Causing me to fall. I cried out in pain, only, again. No noise.
       I grabbed for anything. Anything at all and found myself holding someones ankles. They ripped themselves from me and their boot pressed on my hand.
      I heard the crushing of my bones in the dead silent air. It was like leaves crinkling. Ben shoved Henry off of my hand and Stan grabbed his arm. With his other arm, Henry smashed it into Ben's head.
      "F-f-fuck!" I cried out as Eddie and Stan helped me up. Henry was already strutting away with his cronies. Getting into their blue car and speeding off on the road.
       I felt blood falling down my face. "Bill, do you just want to go home? We don't have to go and make the Dam..." I turned to Eddie and shook my head. "No. No. I'm fine. Let's get going. We're always losing light."
       I felt their eyes on me as I struggled to ride my bike down the street. Feeling myself getting more light headed by the second. But I kept going. If there was anything I was going to do, it was rebuilding that Dam!

A/N: Sorry, took me a while to write this but I really enjoyed all the flashbacks. I really hope you all enjoy it.

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