The New One

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PLEASE READ: I did not finish this chapter. I just felt bad that I haven't updated and decided to put out all unfinished chapters for the stories that have them. Hopefully you enjoy just a tad more of my story. Thank you all for supporting me!

Bill's POV:

I woke up on the floor in Richie's basement, I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes. I could feel my head pounding, I barely slept at all. Looking over, I saw that everyone was already awake as the basement was empty. I stood up and made my way to the stairs but as soon as I started going up, I saw Beverly a few steps above me, facing towards me.

I grinned and made my way up closer and I reached out and grabbed her hand. "Good morning." She smiled and leaned in to kiss me. But suddenly she stopped and placed her hand on my chest. "I'm sorry Bill. We shouldn't right now." She was looking away as she said it, her cheeks flushed.

I snaked my arms around her waist and brough her close, putting my head in the crook of her neck, "Why's that Beverly? Are you worried that someone will see us?" I mumbled against her skin as I began leaving more marks on her. She huffed and put both hands on my chest but there seemed to be no intention of pushing me away. "Yes, I'm worried. What if Ben saw?" I pushed her up against the wall and looked her in the eyes. "I hope Ben does see. That would make this a lot easier."

"I'm serious Bill. We should stop." She looked worried but I leaned into her ear and whispered, "Is that what you really want, Beverly. Do you want me to stop?" I leaned back and saw her slowly shake her head and that was my cue to begin.

Our lips met and it was fast and intense, very different from the previous night. But right now, I needed her. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I had both my hands on her ass as I lifted her up and walked down the steps, I need to see so I was looking past her head but she was using her mouth all along my neck and collarbone which was driving me wild. I laid her down on the couch, just like last night and climbed on top of her, using my arms to hold myself up. Her hand moved down and grabbed my manhood through my shorts and I froze in place, enjoying her small hands putting pressure on it.

"Strange how The Great Bill can get stuck in place by me." She teased with a giggle. "What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned her, running my fingers across her stomach. "That I can somewhat control you even though you're some big hotshot in our school."

"I'm assuming you'll always have control over me Beverly." I leaned down and we began kissing again before I heard many footsteps from the stairs. "Seriously... again." I whispered and climbed off Beverly. Sitting down on the floor.

I pulled a cigarette out as all the rest of the Losers entered the basement. Ben sat down next to Beverly and held her hand. I smirked knowing where that hand was not too long ago.

But that quickly faded as I saw Ben lean in and kiss Beverly who looked startled. I stood quickly and began leaving, ignoring everyone's questions as to where I was going.

I grabbed my bike and began getting on when Ben and Stan came out of the house. "Bill, are you okay?" Ben called. I looked back slowly and felt a rage building up. "It's all good. I just want to head home. I'll see you tomorrow." I tried to calmly say back.

"Actually we aren't meeting tomorrow anymore. Eddie has to go to the doctors and Ben and Beverly are going out for a date. But the rest of us-" I interrupted Stan before he said anymore. "Nope. It's all good. We'll all hangout another day." I quickly got on my bike and pedaled away. Racing to get anywhere but there.

Before I knew it, I was on a road I didn't recognize. I was out of breath and still had the fire of jealousy burning through me. Ben. It was him. And Beverly didn't like him. She loves me. Right?
I gripped my handle bars and rode back the way I came. The same intensity as before but this time, I had a purpose. A destination.

High School Sweethearts Aren't Real (Bill x Beverly)Where stories live. Discover now