Everything's Alright

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Arriving at the Kissing Bridge, veered off to the right before crossing. Riding down the steep slope and dodging trees and bushes. I heard the other bikes behind me as we traveled down towards the Barrens.

Once arriving there we threw our bikes our bikes down and followed the stream. I saw Beverly, Ben and even Mike already designing the dam. "How did I get here before you?" Mike said with a grin. Stanley started saying Bowers' name but I cut him off, "N-nothing. I just fell."
I noticed that the other three did not believe me at all but kept their mouths shut. "S-so let's start." I leaned down and grabbed a board, looking at Ben for confirmation and commands.
Ben stood up and started giving orders. Now that he wasn't as large, so to say, he could move around and work harder on the dam like the others.
Again, we had boards to act as walls and we filled up the space in between with even more rocks, sod and sand. We had a line, Beverly and I would run and look for rocks and give them to Richie and Eddie who'd give them to Mike and Stan who'd place them where Ben ordered.
It was working for a while and we got lots of progress done until we ran out of large rocks near the stream so Beverly and I had to start running further and further.
I was rushing around the trees when I saw Beverly next to me. Slowly peering at the ground with determination and grabbing rocks but realizing they weren't good enough so she'd throw it out of anger.
As I was watching Beverly, I lost my footing and came crashing to the ground. "Bill?" Beverly came rushing over and lifted me up. "What happened?"
"Nothing, s-sorry. Lost buh-buh-balance." We stood close after she helped me up. Her hand on my arm and slowly sliding down until suddenly she turned away. I could've sworn she had a slight blush.
I looked at the rock I had slipped on and gave it to her. "Here, this should be good." Turning back, she grabbed it, said her thanks and ran back to the others. I watched her running away.
       She took off, grabbing Henry's arm that had punched Ben and he tried shaking her off before slapping her. I tried to stand but could feel my insides spilling still, so I held Richie's shirt to it.
Ben was knocked out on the ground and Mike started pounding on Henry's back as Eddie threw rocks at his front.
I heard Henry's yell ring through me, sending shivers up my spine. He took down Richie again and Mike continued to pound on his back. Turning to him, he gripped his shirt and lifted him up before a rock collided with his head.
I stood in the woods, back against a tree. My body shaking, unable to hold myself still, again holding my stomach. My fingers brushing across the scar.
I jammed my hand into my pocket. Rushing to grab a cigarette and my lighter. Quickly trying to light it but being unable to because of my shaking hands. The flame dancing around the stick, hanging out of my mouth.
Hands wrapped around mine and I looked up to see Beverly. She took the lighter from me and lit the cigarette. I pulled from it and blew it up away from her face.
Beverly slowly drew her hand up to my face and pulled the cigarette from my mouth and placed it in hers. Quickly taking a drag and handing it back.
I stuck the stick in between my teeth and Beverly walked away to go look for rocks so I began looking too.
After hours of working, the time was 6:30 and we had finally finished our Dam. It was a real work. We had made it taller than last time so the water wouldn't pour over the edge and just kept building up.
"We're going to mess up the water system again!" Richie yelled. As last time they built the Dam, Mr. Nell had told them how the water wouldn't be able to travel to some parts of the town.
"Even worse than last time." Eddie mentioned. "No it's fine! The new system they have, they don't need the water that flows down this stream. I wouldn't do it if it would mess everything up again." Ben replied but I could tell that he was getting a little anxious.
Beverly came over and wrapped her arm around his neck. "It's fine. Like you said, the new system won't screw it up."
Taking one last look at our structure, We decided to start heading home as it was getting late. Upon reaching the road, I noticed Beverly standing in front of Ben. Holding his hand and telling him something. A hint of jealousy arose but I realized she didn't reciprocate Ben's feelings last time he told her.
       But still. I couldn't help but feel a longing for Beverly. We haven't even started to get as close as we used to be. I guess that's what time does to you.
       I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and reached in to see a notification.

New Message From Mom

     After unlocking my phone, I saw her message which told me to be home soon for dinner.
     "I have to rush off home, later." And with that, I swung my leg over Silver and began pedaling off but my feet froze when I heard, "Text you later, Bill!" I turned to see Beverly was the one to say it. Is there still a chance? No, no way. She's probably only saying that in a friendly way.
      I just turned back and continued riding my bike back to my house as thoughts of Beverly filled my mind. I found myself in this Beverly State of Mind a lot. Where she was the only thing running through it.
      Getting home, I sat at the dinner table in silence, as it was every night. Since Georgie. Chicken was always the meal with a little salad and bread sometimes came up but Chicken was always there.
      We didn't go out to eat anymore either. It reminded us of Georgie's face lighting up to get into the car. That reminder was too much.
      I went up to my room and fell down to my bed. I was so tired from working in the Barrens and just wanted to sleep but my phone vibrated.

(Normally when I do text messages, I have the sender on the right but i'm too lazy right now and I want to get this chapter out so i'm not doing it)

New Message From Beverly

Beverly:  Hey!

Bill:  Hey, how's it going?

Beverly:  Good! I actually had homework to do so I'm finishing that.

Bill: You're doing homework? I will never buckle down! Haha

Beverly: My Aunt's always on me to do better in school. So I kind of have to.

Bill: Yeah, makes sense.

*5 minutes pass with no messages*

Beverly:  Bill?

Bill: Yeah?

Beverly:  I miss you. We were really good friends before everything happened.

Bill: I miss you too. I'm just still wondering how I didn't know you came back.

Beverly: You were dating someone at the time. I kind of waited for you when I went to Portland and when I saw that, I didn't want to intrude.

Bill: I tried waiting too. She wasn't as cool as you though Bev.

Beverly: Always a flirt, Bill. I'll see you later, Goodnight.

Bill: Night.

     Setting my phone down, I sighed and laid against my pillow. For the first time in a while, I felt everything was going right in my life.

A/N: Sorry that this took so long. I've been really busy and writing wasn't on my mind. I'll try to post more soon!

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