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Its Friday and I'm literally the happiest I've been in a while.

Calum and I have been hanging out at night, in the back of his truck or at the nearby park, just staying up talking about nothing and everything.

Today it was a very calm day, sure it was barely breakfast but it was nice, Kim and Michael were at the table together which makes me happy.

Today I wore a white sweater and jeans that were ripped above the knees, threw on my beat up white converse because I needed something comfortable today. So I'm trying my best not to stain my white clothes.

"So are you busy this weekend?" Michael asks us.

"I'm not."

"Same here."

"Great, I was thinking of going to the amusement park downtown."

"Really? Kimmy and I were literally talking about that the other day, I'm down."

"Yes! We are gonna be so iconic."

"Oh and calum is gonna join us so you won't be alone." Michael throws in, calum at a amusement park?

"Um cool, well class starts soon later guys."I leave the table and start heading to first period by the time I reach the double doors the bell rings and everyone starts slowly walking to class.


Walking into darcys class, I make myself comfortable and continue on my drawing.

As I work I look up and see someone whos never been in this class.

I guess he saw me looking and he gives a small smile, he sees the empty seat next to me so taking the hint I move my bag.

"Hey." He sits down and greets me, his eyes were a hazel green/brown, with short curly hair.

"hey, I'm alaska."

"I'm Ashton."

"I haven't heard that name before, it's cool."

"Why thank you, alaska is a great name, a very cold place but the nature is beautiful."

"It is."

"New here?"

"Yeah, im from a different school not to far from here but I got transferred."

"Interesting, so what kind of art are you into?"

"Im not sure, I'm into a lot of different things, like I like doing landscapes and drawing random things at times like whatever comes to mind."

"Interesting times two."

"What about you?"

"I like painting anything in general. Give me a picture and I'll get it painted." I shrug.

"Determined much?"

"Oh very."

We seemed to have a lot in common and talk about what we like and what we don't like, we connect on things and it was really nice to have a new friend like this.

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