XIV: Plasma Magic

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I'm so shocked that I can't even move my body. Meredith is practically draped over Ryner and his isn't even bothering to move her away, even though it looks like he doesn't enjoy having her around one bit. Could it be? Is she actually his wife?

Ryner sighs. "Meredith, step back please. Give me a little space."

Slowly, he takes her hands, which were placed on his chest and moves them over to the side. Meredith gasps.

"Ryner, my beloved! We're meant to be together! You said we were written in the stars."

I snort. Is that really what he tells the women he puts under his charm? That is absolutely ridiculous. How could anyone fall for a cheap line like that?

"We're not married Meredith."

Suddenly, Meredith hugs Ryner with all of her might. "Yet!" she yells. "We're not married yet! I know you can't see it right now because your love for me is being clouded by the spell that this witch," she points at me, "has put on you, but I know that what you said was true. I knew ever since I laid my eyes on you that we were written in the stars, just like you said. We have true love. That's why I don't mind when you're with other girls, because I know you'll come running right back to me, where you belong."

My mouth falls open. So he's cheated in front of her loads of times and she still thinks he likes her?! And as far as the running back part, who's doing that in the relationship? Because it obviously isn't him! Is this girl blind or something?! The other members of the guild watch Ryner, trying to hide their giggles with their hand. They make no attempt to help him. Ryner's face pales even more.

"Of course. Anything for you. Now could you please let go?"

"I loooovvveeee yooouuuu Ryyynneerrr!" she wails into his ear.

With a groan of pain, he tries covering his ears. "Okay okay! I understand. You love me. Now let me go?"

"You love me too right?" she asks, forcing herself into his arms. Then she begins sniffing him. Is this girl insane?! "You smell so wonderful. I'll never forget your beautiful scent as long as I live, because I love you and you love me too." She cuddles even further into his arms and Ryner just stares with wide frantic eyes and a pale face.

"Yeah, yeah I love you too. Now please let go..."

This is too much. I can't take it anymore. I let out the laughs that have been coursing through my body during this entire time. Tears start falling from my eyes at this hilarious sight. Ryner is practically so afraid of her, he just says what she wants to hear! That is too darn hilarious!

"So there is a girl who can make you listen, huh Ogre?" I say, referring back to the name that the other girl had given Ryner when I was first getting ready to join the guild. I wink at him.

Ryner growls. "I thought that we had made an agreement not to use those petty nicknames anymore."

Meredith gasps. "Nicknames? You made nicknames for each other?!" she asks in horror.

"Of course we did! You didn't?" I walk over to Ryner and lay on him just like Meredith. "Isn't he just a cutie?"

Meredith tries to push me away. "Get away from him you witch! Stop seducing him! I know what you're up to. You're trying to break up our true love with your evil heart, but you can't. Our love for each other is too strong! We have a bond!"

I whisk Ryner away from her and he instantly becomes more relieved, color returning back to his face. "Thank you Linda."

Meredith instantly begins to cry. "Ryneeerr!! Don't fall under her spell!" she whines.

Linda, The Fifth Legend (NaNoWriMo 2014) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now