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Coreys pov

I don't know why I just couldn't see Y/n at the hospital. I just couldn't bring myself to do so. I know shes probably pissed at me for not coming to see her, I can tell from what Devyn has told me. I mean friends are supposed to be there for each other right? Y/n, she's my Best friend. I need to see her, but I can't bring myself to do so. I mean my heart says one thing and my mind says another.

I was infuriated with myself. Why was I so..... Nervous? I was questioning on to why I felt like not seeing Y/n.

Colbys pov

A nurse came out if Y/n's room and came up to us. "You boys are probably wondering if Y/n is ok or not?" I nod my head rapidly, "Well she is alright she just can't breathe on her own. " She crosses her arms to where she makes her boobs pop out a little. I look over my shoulder and see Brennen drooling over her. I laugh to my self then she spoke again, "Were not quite sure why this happened if you boys know anything, like abused in her past or being hurt. Please tell me." She sighs while looking at all three of us.

"Well I know that she was abused by her ex James. Then there was Nick another one of her ex's he abused her before he shot her." I pause for a moment to try and think of another one becauee I'm quite sure there is another one. Then it came to mind, "Her father. Her father abused her till she was 12. That's all I know." Shoot the guys heard. She didn't want anyone to know about this at all. She is going to be so mad at me.

"Thank-you for your help." She waved but winked at Brennen. Why was he gaming over her. I mean he has a girlfriend and he already kissed his ex. Like come on Brennen. I walk over to Brennen and Pat his shoulder, "you know that you shouldn't be having over another woman. You have a girlfriend." He whips around putting his finger up to my chest, "it's not like you haven't cheated before." He ass right. I have, but it still wasn't right. "I'm trying to save you a hard time from getting lectured. So just take the advice ok?" I put my hands up in defence. "I ain't going to take advice from someone who has cheated on someone." He rolls his eyes and goes back to sittibg don in a chair. What the hell was all that about? I shrug it off like it was nothing.

Your pov

All I could see was black. Was this it? Was I going to die? No it can't be it. I have so much more to do. I need to live. I need to push through this. I knew I needed to get through this, but what if I can't? What if I die? To many questions and What ifs.

I had old memory's flowing back in. My dad. My cousin Ruby.. Wait Jake? He's in it?  Oh shit I totally forgot he got my cousin Pregnant! Holy fuck, and I kissed him. I cant let Ruby find out! That's if I live...

That's when my eyes fluttered open. I could see a machine that was helping me breath. I rung the buzzer so the nurse would come in.

She came in with a smile on her face, "Oh Miss L/n your awake. Let me take that off for you." She took off the machine. Me gasping for air at first then catching my breath.

"So we're gonna need you in here for another week for, Healing, Check ups, and  see if your doing alright! But you have someone that has been dying to see you. I'll send him in." She walked out of the room.

Colby. It had to be Colby. I mean come on. Colby was always there for me.

Some walked into the room as I was in mid thought. I look up and see... Corey. My best friend.

"C-Corey you made it!" Tears started to form in my eyes.

"Of course I needed to make sure you were ok!" He smiles while coming closer to hug me. I hug him back to so I wouldn't loose him. "So Nick huh?" Corey gives a sly smile while looking at my wounds.

"Yea but he's dead now so no need to panic..." (At the disco!) Help me... "I'm not panicking. Just happy your alright and not dead." He giggles a little bit. I'm so glad to have him with me.

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