Chapter 3: Friends and Hopes

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Katherine was walking towards the Black Lake, she thought it was the perfect place for her to clear her mind, however before she could get there, she heard someone calling her name.

"Kat! Come here!"

She turned around, looking for the source of the voice. She saw a tiny group of Slytherin boys sitting under a tree, then she realised who was shouting at her.

"Blaise!" She smiled.

She walked towards him and his group happily, and when she stopped next to them, Blaise got up from the ground.

"Hello, Sunshine," he grinned, greeting the girl with a big hug, which she returned.

Katherine liked Blaise Zabini very much. He saw once that she was struggling in Flying Class and offered to help her, which made the Hufflepuff ecstatic. She accepted his help, but he couldn't do much in the end, she seemed to be too afraid of heights. Nevertheless, she was still thankful.

"Hi," she smiled up at him – he was much taller than her –, then she took a look at his friends.

Blaise was in the company of Gregory Goyle and Draco Malfoy. Kat locked eyes with Draco for a few seconds, who had a blank expression on his face, but she wasn't surprised by that. She turned back to Blaise with a smile.

"How are you?" She asked her friend.

"Fine," he shrugged. "Everything's going as expected. I mean, not everything, but..." He let out a chuckle.

"Yeah," the girl sighed, understanding what he was referring to.

"What do you think about this new law?" Blaise asked.

"I don't know, it depends."

"On what?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"On who am I going to get paired up with."

Blaise smirked at her, nodding.

"I was actually going to the Black Lake to clear my head about all this," she said.

"Oh, I see. Go on, then. I didn't want to interrupt you."

"It's okay."

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Blaise asked with a smile.

Kat just nodded, smiling up at him. She said her goodbyes, then her eyes met with those grey ones again. She offered him a light smile, then turned around and started heading towards the Black Lake.

Blaise sat back down on the ground, next to his friends. He looked at Draco, who was staring at him with a questioning look in his eyes.

"What? She's adorable," he grinned.

Draco shook his head at him, a small smirk playing on his lips.

She certainly is.

Katherine sat down on a rock, looking at the water, deep in thought.

I'll be engaged in a few months to someone I may not even know.

That was a weird thought, but she knew she would have to get used to it. She couldn't do anything about this new law, so it would be useless to throw a fit, and she wasn't that kind of person to do that anyway. She liked the peaceful solutions.

After an hour of just sitting there, she decided it was time for her to go back to her friends.

On her way back, she saw that the three Slytherin boys were still there, sitting under the tree. They were laughing about something, which made Kat smile as well. She really hoped that they would have a good year, she believed they deserved that. Everyone in that school did.

She found her friends in the Common Room, and she sat down next to Tony on one of the sofas.

"Hey, Kat," Mary smiled. "We were just talking about who we wanted to get paired up with."

"Oh, really?" She chuckled. "And?"

"Well," Annie grinned at her, "I obviously want to be paired with Chase-"

"Not again, Annie!" Tony shook his head, laughing.

"It's so meant to be, just watch! I mean, I almost gave up on him, then they call him back to repeat his 7th year. This has to be fate or something!"

Kat smiled at her best friend, remembering how much she talked about this gorgeous, black-haired boy with forest green eyes, who was a Gryffindor. How brave he was, and how they would look so good together.

"Well, I'm rooting for Channie," Kat said grinning, and the others started laughing.

"Thanks for supporting me, girl," she smiled, and Kat winked at her.

"Of course."

"Okay, but personally," Tony started, straightening his back. "I hope I will get paired with Hermione."

The group fell silent. They were all looking at him with surprise and disbelief evident on their faces.

"Are you serious?" Mary asked, breaking the silence.

"Hey, a boy can dream," he shrugged.

"Yes, he can, we just don't want this boy to have his dreams shattered," Annie stared at him with sad eyes.

"Yeah, I know. She'll obviously get paired up with Weasley, I just thought... Whatever."

Katherine put her arm around Tony's broad shoulders in an attempt to cheer him up.

"Don't worry, Tony. I'm sure we will all be paired up with the one who was meant for us," she smiled.

"Oh, Kat, you and your inspirational quotes," Mary rolled her eyes.

Katherine frowned, then threw a pillow at her, making sure not to throw it too hard, even though the pillow was almost softer than a marshmallow.

"Hey!" Mary pouted, then they all started laughing.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, listening to the sound of the fire.

"But seriously, guys," Tony looked at his friends. "No matter what happens tomorrow, I want you to know that you can always count on me, and I know I can count on you too."

They looked at each other in silence, then everyone went in for a group hug.

"Stop, you guys! I'm going to cry," Mary said, making the others laugh.

Another Hufflepuff walked inside the Common Room, looking at the group with a smile.

"Hey, Liam," Kat smiled at him, the others greeting him as well.

"Hey everyone. I'm glad to see that you're having a good time, but you might want to leave soon, it's almost lunchtime."

They all got up and began their journey towards the Great Hall for the second time that day, excited about food.

(A/N: I believe the art at the top was made by Jack Gallagher, but I'm not sure, so yeah... Credits to whoever made it.)

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