When things get rough, hard to keep our spirit up. So this song is quite perfect for us in this road trip.
"Sorry, our car broke down. We are stranded in the middle of nowhere!"
"Maaf, mobilnya rusak. Kita terperangkap di tempat yang jauh dari mana-mana. "
It happened to you before?
Pernah terjadi padamu?
Everyone has experienced it at least few times in his/her lifetime.
Setiap orang pasti pernah merasakan Hal seperti ini dalam hidupnya.
Losing your job (unemployment)
Kehilangan pekerjaan (pengangguran)
Broken family (divorce)
Keluarga hancur (cerai)
Had a terrible accident and lost function of a body part.
Kecelakaan yang berat dan kehilangan fungsi anggota tubuh
A lot of things could happen in life.
Segala sesuatu dapat terjadi dalam hidup ini.
Sometimes it's unavoidable.
Terkadang tidak dapat dihindari.
Sometimes you could avoid it but you chose to continue. (A bad decision led to another bad decision and to another one).
Terkadang kau dapat menghindarinya tapi memilih untuk melanjutkan.
(Satu keputusan buruk berakibat satu keputusan buruk dan berlanjut ke satu keputusan buruk lainnya).A friend of mine, just called him Robert has a pretty girlfriend. They had argued a lot since they started dating. He kept wishing she would change. She would be more caring and not selfish.
Temanku, panggil saja Robert punya pacar yang cantik. Mereka banyak bertengkar sejak mulai berkencan. Ia terus berharap pacarnya akan berubah. Menjadi lebih perhatian dan tidak egois.
So he kept dating her for six years.
Jadi mereka terus berkencan selama 6 tahun
And finally he married her.
(Her parents urged him to marry her).Dan akhirnya mereka menikah karena desakan orang tua sang wanita
They have a child.
Mereka memiliki seorang anak
But nothing's changed. She kept demanding for more money, more luxuries. Something Robert couldn't afford.
Roadtrip to Happiness/ Perjalanan Menuju Bahagia (English-Indonesian) Wattys2018
Não Ficção#4 learning #2 bilingual #28 trending #122 perjalanan #60 English #153 quotes #19 completed #22 happiness How to be HAPPY? Rich? Many billionaires paid their physiatrists a lot of money every month. Good looking? Many handsome actors and beautiful...