1. drive just fucking drive

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third person pov

the rain fell heavily on the boy as he ran down the street, cops right on his tail. his black combat boots thudding against the wet concrete, heavy pants escaped his lips with every step. gus was running as fast as he could with his restrictive skinny jeans, he really needed to work on his cardio. he wasn't running from the cops for a reason that you'd think. don't let his tattooed covered body, drug scars and colourful hair fool you. he was running because he saw some gangbanging piece of shit trying to get at some random girl in the street. gus didn't hesitate to beat the guy senseless and make sure the girl was safe and got away but moments later a police cruiser pulled up and when the knocked out guys blood was on gus' hands it definitely didn't look good. his gut told him to run, so he did. as he ran the rain washed the blood spatter off of his hands and face. gus looked back quickly and saw that the cops were out of sight, he finally slowed down but adrenaline was still rushing through his veins. there was a lonesome parked car on the street, it was newer looking, red. he frantically pulled at the passenger side door handle, the window rolled down to reveal a pale, blonde, blue eyed girl. "oh my god, what do you want? who are you? take whatever please don't hurt me!" she spoke, fear evident in her voice "i don't wanna hurt you please just let me in please ill explain but i don't have time" gus told the girl, trying to to scare her more. she hesitantly unlocked the door and gus slid into the passenger seat quickly, slamming the door behind him. the girl jumped at the loud bang. "drive just fucking drive" gus pleaded, the girl put the car into drive and sped forward down the empty, dimly lit street. "care to explain now?" she questioned gus after she had driven him multiple blocks away from where he ever so desperately needed a ride "i was running from the cops" gus said like it was obvious "what the fuck! the fuck did you do? how do i know you're not about to kill me!" grace, the girl shouted at gus, she was scared but probably not as scared as she should be "i had to beat this guy up you know, he wouldn't leave this poor chic alone i wasn't about to not stop it. accidentally knocked the guy out cold and next thing i know the cops are on my ass!" gus told grace as if she was an old friend "the girls okay too" gus added. a wave of relaxation ran through grace, he wasn't some crazy killer (as far as she knew) "oh" she said surprised "very, lawful evil of you" she tried to describe the boy's actions as best she could "you could call me that" gus said thinking about how he could relate it back to himself "there's a lot you don't know about me, im gustav by the way but call me gus" gus introduced himself, which was much needed after hopping into a strangers car "well gus, im grace. where do you want me to take you by the way?" grace asked gus, realizing she had been driving for a while with the strange man in her passenger seat "oh uh sorry about that uh g-grace, you can just let me out here" he said awkwardly, embrassement showing on his face as he struggled to remember her name after she just told him "gus you may be some strange guy who scared me shitless and is now in my car but im not leaving you to go wander the streets in the rain, i don't mind driving you somewhere" grace said, feeling a slight bit bad for gus "no it's fine, here's fine. i don't really have anywhere to go" gus spoke shyly, he wasn't proud of here he was in life right now. he recently got kicked out of his last apartment after being unable to pay his rent. he swallowed nervously while grace sat silently for a few seconds "well gus, my roommates out of town for the weekend, why don't you come back to mine and you can tell me all of those things i don't know about you mr.lawful evil" she suggested, chucking slightly at the end at her reference to gus. "that's really nice of you grace, as long as you don't mind i would be okay with that" gus smiled at her offer. he took a second to admire her face, she was really pretty, long blonde hair and blue eyes, full lips and long eyelashes. she wasn't wearing any makeup and was naturally beautiful. "so why'd you let me in your car?" he asked grace, still unsure as to why any lone female would let a strange guy into their car in a rough part of town "you have honest, kind eyes" she spoke, gus was confused as to what she meant by that "huh?" he asked "can't really explain it, you just looked like you needed help, and a good person. plus i like your pink hair" grace explained, finishing with a gesture to his shaggy, faded pink mop-hair. he appreciated her words but she was worlds away from the truth about him. he was rough on the inside, he wasn't a good person. of course he didn't mean too much harm to anyone but he had a dark side, that he wanted to keep everyone protected from. gus has realized he zoned out from the conversation thinking about no one other than himself, "oh thanks" he laughed, running a hand through his hair she apparently liked "i like your...blonde hair too?" gus told her, unsure on how to return the compliment. grace smiled at him, although he just met her gus liked her easy going, fun nature. he felt comfortable around her which certainly didn't happen with everyone. "well, we're here" grace said pulling her car into one of the few parking spaces in her small apartment complex.

hello everyone thanks for reading! I'm looking forward to writing this :) hope you guys enjoy this book. would mean the world if you liked and commented <3

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