17. shiloh

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gus had been released from the hospital four days ago and him and grace were back home in detroit now, gus wasn't allowed to drive yet or do anything overly intense for that matter. grace watched over him carefully, she felt like she was babysitting a toddler making sure he didn't damage his stitches. "im so fucking bored" gus complained constantly "i know, 3 more days and you can go back to your normal routine" grace told him for the 100th time that day "i gotta work too you know" gus pointed out "you also have to take care of yourself" grace was begging to get annoyed at gus' resistance to listen to what the hospital told him. "fuck" grace muttered from the kitchen "what's wrong baby?" gus called from the other room "we have like no food, can you promise me you'll just stay here and be chill if i go to get groceries?" grace asked "can't i come with you?" gus asked, he would do anything to get out of the apartment "hm, fine but im driving" grace agreed "thank fuck" gus said under his breath. gus followed grace carefully down the stairs and into her car, grace muttering a 'careful' to gus every thirty seconds "baby im fine, you don't have to bubble wrap me" gus insisted "sorry just- i don't want you to get any more hurt" grace apologized for her overly dramatic worrying "i know baby, but im okay i promise stop worrying please. im healed it's just precaution" gus tried to make her understand he was okay. grace pulled into the grocery store parking lot and grabbed a shopping cart, gus stepped up and rode on the front of it "you're such a fucking child" grace laughed and put all her effort into pushing her boyfriend on the cart around the store. people were looking at them funny but gus was used to the strange looks. grace picked up normal food she could cook for them with meanwhile gus grabbed multiple containers of loft house cookies (those r the best cookies don't @ me), redbulls and a few bags of skittles "really? i feel like im dating a two year old" grace joked "well guess who im not sharing with" gus said sarcastically "ouch" grace was fake hurt. grace drove back home, gus sat in the passenger seat eating his cookies "how do you eat so many of those without puking?" grace asked "im fucking magical" gus boasted "shut up you fucking beanpole" grace bantered back "hey noodle arms is the wave" gus defended himself. grace drove back into the parking of their apartment and checked her phone while gus collected the bags. shiloh had called her, she thought it was weird but figured it was just an accident or butt dial or something, she didn't want to talk to her anyways. "baby im hungryyy" gus whined "i'll make us dinner, go take your medication and lay down please" grace told him, he did so and grace lazily made him shitty pasta because she didn't feel like cooking and he'd eat anything you put in front of him. grace brought him his food "yes my queen i love you baby" gus said taking the plate "love you too, i'll be right back i gotta take care of a phone call" grace said disappearing into the bedroom. grace picked up her phone and decide to text shiloh to see what was up.

why'd you call me?

wanted to say sorry. you're an adult and it's your life i was out of line

it's a bit late for that isn't it?

well it was worth a shot. anyways im moving back to the apartment in detroit and wanted to make amends before we were roommates again ya know?

first of all, i moved out me and gus have an apartment together now sorry. second of all, you'd expect to just move right back in like that after how you acted? think again hun. third of all, don't talk to me again. me and gus are very happy together and i don't need you back. don't talk to me when you're back.

well if you ever want your best friend back im willing to accept your relationship and im sorry about before.

maybe if you ever get your head out of your own ass i'll consider

i really am sorry, your old room will always be yours if you want it

great, i won't :)

"gustavvvvv" grace called to complain to him
"graceeeee" he mocked her tone back "guess who i just talked to" grace said bitterly "i don't know but it doesn't sound good" gus sait cautiously, careful not to set her off "fucking shiloh" grace began to get heated "ooh what'd she do?" gus got into it with her "so she's moving back here, whatever alright but she had the fucking audacity to assume i still live in our old apartment and then proceed to tell me she's sorry and she just expected me to let her move back in with me like what the fuck was she thinking? she said she'd accept our relationship and she's really sorry and she'll always accept me back as a friend" grace mocked shiloh's texts "did she actually?" gus asked in disbelief "yup" grace sounded really unimpressed "not that you should, but you could give her another chance if you wanted to?" gus suggested "absolutely not gustav, she can fake accept us all she wants but you're what's important to me and she clearly didn't care about me too much when she packed up and left within a few days of knowing about you!" grace snapped at him "never mind then baby" gus surrendered "why would you even say that? why would she even try that? ugh!" grace continued to rage on "im going out i'll be back or whatever" grace blew him off and started for the door "here baby i'll come with you" gus started to follow "fuck off gustav" she gave him a clear hint to not follow her and she stormed out the door. grace walked around the city blocks for a few hours and eventually returned home where gus was waiting for her. she ignored him and went into the bedroom and locked the door, he took the hint to leave her the hell alone and he'd probably be sleeping on the couch tonight. gus didn't hear it see anything from grace all night, she was gone for work by the time he woke up to leave in the morning, gus texted her just to check in but he didn't expect an answer.

morning princess, just checking in - haven't seen you this morning. i love you & im sorry

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