16. to put it lightly, like hell

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it was day 3 in the stale hospital room for grace, never leaving gus'side. the doctor said he'll be awake in 3-7 days so realistically he could be up any time now. grace had a hard time not telling gus' family what has happened, they loved him but grace respected his wishes. grace hadn't had to stay in a hospital like this since shiloh got her appendix out when they were 15. she sat confined amongst the four white walls hoping gus would just wake up. grace slumped over the bed, resting her head lightly on his chest careful not to hurt him. grace felt something squeeze her hand "gus?" she asked surprised "gus oh my god you're awake" grace said in disbelief. gus struggled to open his eyes, wincing at the bright hospital light above him, he didn't move from his flat lying position "grace" was all he managed to croak out "im here gus, im right here" grace ran her thumb over his hand "what happened?" gus asked, obviously confused "baby you got shot twice, some guy named tracy? on your shoulder and stomach. you lost a lot of blood and damaged an artery but they repaired it. doctor said you're very lucky to be alive, you almost bled out before you got into surgery" grace explained "wait grace, the cops didn't show up yet did they?" gus asked, concern striking his voice "no why?" grace asked "i don't wanna talk to them, drop charges i don't care. just don't associate me with them or anything that happened, either i'll get fucking arrested or one of them will and our lives will be made living hell grace. i don't want any fucking cops in this room understand?" gus made himself clear, grace nodded at the sudden outburst from his precious weak state "and baby-" gus added "none of this is your fault, i heard everything you said to me please never blame yourself for this you couldn't have never known, i should have known better than to even fucking come here. what if he hit you grace? what if he hit me one more time? im sorry i brought us here princess im so fucking sorry grace i love you and i told myself i wouldn't do this to you im sorry" gus felt absorbed in guilt "gustav stop with the what if's , what happened happened and all that matters is you're here and you're alive. one day at a time baby. i love you and i'll risk what i have to in order to be with you, you'll always be my guy gus." grace started crying because she was overwhelmed with every emotion she could possibly feel. gustav was awake and that's all she cared about. a nurse walked in "oh! someone's awake, how do you feel?" the nurse asked, surprised to see gus awake and talking "to put it lightly, like hell" gus said, wincing in pain when he tried to move to much, he was in pain and his eyes and throat were dry, he felt like a hollow but hurting shell of a body. "we're gonna have to keep you here for another day or two, just to make sure no complications occur and to get you eating and drinking normally again but then you should be free to go just make sure to keep the incisons clean and not to do any vigorous activity for a week or two, you're very strong to have made it through all that and you're certainly lucky to have a girlfriend like grace here, she didn't leave your side for a minute since you got out of surgery" the nurse told gus, he nodded at her medical instructions and smiled at the mention of grace, he knew he was lucky and would be forever grateful she let him into her car that one rainy evening. the nurse poked him with various needles and checked his vitals for the 1000th time, wrote some things down and left. "you really didn't leave?" gus asked "nope, wouldn't have dreamed of it" grace answered "my mom doesn't know right?" gus asked "only me baby" grace confirmed "thank you" gus told her "i love you so much" grace said. "come lay up here with me baby" gus motioned for her to lay on his not-shot side, grace carefully placed and adjusted herself next to him. gus placed a kiss on her lips "i couldn't ask for a better girl you know?" gus spoke into the room at no one in particular, grace relaxed into his side she was just incredibly thankful to have her guy back "do you need anything?" grace asked "hmm..just you" gus said cheekily. grace smiled at his goofy ass personality shining through again "you sure you don't need anything? want anything?" grace asked again "just you and some painkillers boo" gus answered "well im here, the nurse keeps you topped up" grace smiled. grace stayed in bed with gus for the night, the nurse care by with some solid food for him, gus picked at the bland hospital food but couldn't stomach much. "i can't believe i almost lost you" grace commented "you didn't though" gus said hinting obviously at his aliveness "i know. but i could've, don't leave me ever baby" grace gently clung to his side afraid to lose him again. now that gus was awake grace finally slept for a decent amount of time beside gus, however gus wasn't able to sleep. he admired his sleeping girlfriend and ran his non iv-ed hand through her hair "i don't deserve you" he said quietly, not to wake her. gus had never felt loved by someone as much as he wa loved by grace but the biggest difference was that he felt the same way back. gus' life almost ended and he owed it to grace for him still being here. he closed his eyes and rested his head on grace's but was still unable to sleep. grace's soft breaths hit his neck, gus kissed her forehead lightly "thank you for everything" he mumbled into her hair.

Some thoughts I had

Wicca phase is a god amongst us all we must love and cherish him forever

idk if any of you have heard of guardin but he's super super talented and makes awesome music so u should definitely give him a listen :)))

tryna décide if i want this to end happy or nah

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