8.that shit doesnt work

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in the morning, gus still hadn't slept. he was currently slumped against a wall in a random alley, too high to fuction. this is how he dealt with everything, happy? get high, sad? get high, worried? get high. at that moment gus knew he fucked up, he should've not told her and everything would be fine. people always leave when they find out about the real him. you could say that on the brightside of things gus had finally got accepted into an apartment, but nobody wants to look at the brightside that shit doesn't work. he was due to move in a week from today. he didn't have any furniture or anything but that was fine, gus could make due until is income increased. grace was still asleep back at her apartment when shiloh stormed in, it didn't even wake grace she was so tired. shiloh and another person, presumably her sister began backing the contents of her bedroom into boxes and bags, every once in a while they would disappear out front to put boxes into shiloh's sister's vehicle. after a few trips back and forth grace had finally woken. she came out of her room to face shiloh "are you really doing this over a guy? especially one im not even dating" grace wouldn't tell her that her and gus were not currently speaking, that would just make her look bad. "im doing this over someone who i don't feel comfortable having around, but apparently you do so the place is yours to do what you please" shiloh said, obvious bitchynes in her voice. shiloh walked around the apartment making sure she hadn't forgotten anything. "anything i didn't take is yours, bye grace" shiloh said pretty nonchalantly for someone who was about to leave her best friends life for good. "bye" grace said dryly, she just wanted her out. half of grace wanted to talk to gus, but the other half was scared and never wanted to see him again.  grace had the day off, but she decided to go to work anyways to ask about starting more shifts as she was going to need the extra income. grace never did any post-secondary education so she couldn't just have any old job she wanted. meanwhile gus was off with some street whore, she was sucking his dick making god awful slurping noises trying to be sexy but gus wasn't taking it. he put up with it until he finished but sent the girl away as soon as he could. for some reason all he could think about was grace. he missed the life in her eyes and how her presence could light up a room, she was always radiating positive energy which made gus feel good. grace reminded him of his mother, whom he hadn't seen in many, many years but certainly did miss. growing up he was definitely a momma's boy but he got pulled away from his family when his street life started to over take him. the short time he had been around grace was special, no girl ever made him feel like that and they didn't even fuck. gus wasn't the kind of guy that could just be changed by a girl, he was always gonna be him but grace made him feel secure and more alive than ever, the worn down drug-numbed gus wasn't the gus that was there when grace was around. grace felt the same towards gus, she had never been one to be attracted to the bad boys, grace was still a virgin, never done drugs and rarely drank, only on special occasions. something about gus' charm made her have no regrets about being ready to drop all of that for him.

sorry this is just a short filler but thanks if you're reading this ily this'll start getting more eventful in the next few chapters lol. what do u guys think so far?

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