15. do i make you scared?

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grace was awoken constantly throughout the night by the nurses coming to check on gus. the nurses offered grace food but she declined. the doctors kept telling her not to worry, his vitals were strong and he would be waking up soon but grace still felt like she couldn't breathe. gus was inside of his own head. he didn't know what was happening, he could hear everything around him and he tried to speak but nothing came out, he tried to move but he was frozen. he heard grace talking to him and that's all he needed to hear, he  wanted to Hell her to stop blaming herself because no one could have known that would have happened. gus knew it was dangerous to come back anyways, he took the risk. gus tried to understand what was wrong with him right now but he couldn't, he felt trapped inside of himself and  wanted out. "gus, baby i know you've only been in a coma for a night but it feels like forever. i hope you can wake up soon, i miss your voice and i miss your smile fuck i just miss you, you just look so lifeless laying here and it's awful but they said you're lucky to be alive. i can't believe i almost lost you gustav i don't know what i would've done...you're my world i love you so much. i promise i'll be right here when you wake up" grace spoke to him, gus could hear the tears in her voice and he wanted to tell her that he was okay and he loved her too. gus knew grace was holding him, he felt her brush hair out of his eyes every once in a while. grace said he was in a coma? what happened?  grace looked sadly at gus' still face, his only movement was his chest rising and falling with his breaths. gus was worried that grace would be scared now, what if she didn't want this dangerous life? growing sick of this and i don't wanna make you sad, do i make you scared? baby won't you take me back?  however grace was very far from that mindset, she wouldn't think about leaving gustav no matter what happened and she knew her risks and was willing to take them to be with him. hours ticked by, gus still not awake and another restless night.

Lol just a short ass filler sorry

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