19. you just called him gustav

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grace had been back at her and shiloh's old apartment for 4 days, she had managed minimal contact with her old best friend. shiloh could tell there was obviously something up with her and gus, why else would she leave him? but shiloh didn't make her talk because she obviously didn't want to talk about the issue at hand. gus had continuously called and texted grace, apologizing. she could obviously tell he didn't mean anything and he felt really bad, it honestly made her kind of sad to hear his voicemails where he was obviously crying. gus paced around their bedroom, he looked at the various photos of them taped to the mirror, making stupid faces. gus had heard nothing from grace, not that he expected to because he knew what he did was pretty much unforgivable. grace's birthday was coming up and he had big plans for it, he hoped she'd come home by then so he could try and make it up to her. at shiloh's, grace sat awkwardly on the couch, avoiding eye contact with shiloh who was in the kitchen but it failed. shiloh walked over to grace and sat in the chair across from her, "grace, you were my best friend for years and i know well enough when somethings up. what happened with gus?" shiloh cut to the point "what makes you think something happened with gustav?" grace sheltered herself from the topic " well for starters, you guys live together. why would you come here unless there was some reason you couldn't be there? and b) you just called him gustav, seems like you're mad at him" shiloh brought her concerns to the table "okay. maybe we got in a fight, he got really mad and startled me a bit. but it's fine" grace said quickly, avoiding eye contact (bexey stans everywhere cry) "grace, did he hurt you?" shiloh asked in a serious tone "not really" grace continued to try and brush off the topic "yes or no grace, did he hurt you?" shiloh restated "okay he grabbed my shoulder but he didn't mean for it to be as hard as it was, he was really high and misjudged his force but it was only because i went to leave and he didn't want me to but it's fine, im fine" grace insisted "okay, feel free to stay here whenever and for as long as you want" shiloh smiled and stood up, "wait, shi" grace stopped her, shiloh smiled at her old nickname for her "yeah?" shiloh asked "thanks" grace grace told her, shiloh nodded and continued back to the kitchen. grace thought maybe she really does want to help? maybe gustav was right?- i should give her another chance? grace thought over all of the possible options in her head but decided against fully forgiving anyone right now. she would forgive but not forget for both gus and shiloh. gus stood back on the balcony of his apartment, taking long drags off of his cigarette. he didn't bother lighting it in the house because he knew grace would've killed him. gus looked at his phone screen to check for any word from grace but there was never any. he kept texting and calling her in hopes that maybe, just maybe he would get a reply. he was most certainly worried about her, he had no idea where she was or if she was okay. she could be dead for all he knew.

grace please tell me where you are at least
or at least that you're okay
im worried about you baby
please come home
i love you
im sorry

grace was going to tell gus where she was, but she didn't want to have an i told you so moment again, either from shiloh about gus or from gus about shiloh because neither of them expected this to be the outcome of any situation regarding them. grace knew he was worried so she decided to at least let him know she was okay.

im ok

are you coming home? will i see you again?

gus didn't care that she didn't answer, he was just relived she was okay.

—sorry this is just a lil baby filler chapter
also this story's gonna b finished in the next 10 chapters or less just so u know

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