18. look who's home

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tw* mild violence

grace wasn't mad at gus, mostly at shiloh but she was just in a mad mood and didn't care to talk to anybody. she thought about texting gus back but decided against it, she'd see him at home. it was 7pm and she was just leaving from her shift at the coffee shop. she drove home in the vehicle gus got her, she couldn't stay moody at the man for long he bought her a range rover for fucks sake. grace arrived home around 7:45, gus wasn't home but she wasn't worried because sometimes he'd be out until 9 or 10. it's just that usually he'd text if he was gonna be home late. grace got in the door and put her stuff away and took a long shower, it was 9pm now and still no word from gus. grace didn't worry too much, she sat down and turned on the tv and would just wait until he got home to talk. gus was finished his runs for the day, he was out with a couple of guys getting high as shit. he didn't tell grace because he knew she wouldn't be happy about it, especially after his surgeries. gus didn't let grace see him when he was high, he tried to keep her sheltered from his other life. gus was fucked up on coke and xanax with dylan and ben, he could barely function but he didn't care. gus made the stupid decision to drive home as high as he was, he made it back at midnight and just assumed grace would have gone to bed, he hoped so at least. she didn't have to see him like this. gus walked quietly, or so he thought into the door. gus' not so subtle entrance startled grace, who was sleeping on the couch awake "look who's home" grace commented sarcastically "yeahhh baby it's me" gus slurred, leaning against the wall for support "gus what the fuck are you on?" grace asked, obviously concerned about his current state "doesn't matter babyyy, im home noww" gus could barely speak properly "did you fucking drive home like this?" grace asked, growing angry with him once again "yeppp i did!" gus said, sounding proud of his dumb idea "what the fuck gustav, you could've fucking killed yourself!" grace yelled "yeah but i didn'ttt, i did it to come see you baby aren't you happy to see meeee?" gus said, seeing no problem with what he was doing "i can't fucking believe you! look at yourself, you're a mess!" grace yelled at him "sorryy grace! i can't have one night alone to go have fun with the fucking guys? i never let you see me high like this but i knew you were having a bad time so i fucking came home to see you sorry what the fuck" gus suddenly snapped, yelling back at her. grace flinched back, not expecting gus' sudden outburst "maybe i didn't fucking want to see you gustav! you jus got fucking shot and now you're high as shit, barely able to walk and driving around? are you fucking stupid?" grace kept fighting fire with fire here "you didn't want to see me? wow that feels fucking great. i love you grace what the fuck? do i mean shit to you?" gus yelled stepping towards her, grace backing against the wall "what the hell gustav you know i fucking love you! you mean the whole fucking world to me that's why im mad!" grace snapped again, anger dripping from her voice "if you love me why the hell are we yelling at each other?" gus asked, confused "because you're being fucking stupid!" grace kept screaming at him about how disappointed she was in him. "you know what, fuck this im leaving" grace started for the door "i don't fucking think so" gus tried to lightly hold her back against the wall but misjudged his force, pushing her back harder than expected. fear shot into grace's eyes "gustav" she spoke softly, unsure of his next move. gus took a step back, realizing what he had just done. grace grabbed a random backback of clothes from their bedroom and rushed out the door, not looking back. "fuck!" gus yelled as she slammed the door, he threw a fist into a wall leaving a hole. he slid his back down the wall, resting his head against his knees what the fuck did i just do he thought to himself, a sob racked through his body as he realize how bad he just fucked up. his body and mind were numb from the drugs but he saw grace leave clear as day with no intention of coming back. grace gripped the steering wheel until her knuckles went white from holding onto it so hard, tears fell from her eyes as she drove back somewhere she never thought she'd go back to. she parked in the same parking spot from the same night her and gus met, went up the same rickety back staircase and knocked on a familiar door. shiloh opened it from the other side "grace?" she asked, surprised to see her after their last conversation "oh my god, are you okay? what happened?" shiloh asked, noticing grace's tears "i don't wanna talk about it, don't talk to me, act like im not even here i just need somewhere to stay for a few nights. don't come near me" grace made herself clear and walked to her old bedroom, it was empty besides a mattress on the floor and a standing lamp. it would do. she quickly grabbed a few blankets out of the closet, avoiding shiloh and went back to her old room. she couldn't tell shiloh about what just happened because it would be the biggest i told you so moment of her life. she flopped down on the shitty mattress and pulled the blankets over her. she glanced at her phone and noticed a spam of messages from gustav.

missed call | gustav. (5)

baby im so sorry
i fucked up i didnt mean any of it
i don't know what i was thinking
grace i love you
im so sorry
i love you so much i never wanted anything like that to happen
i was stupid you were right
grace where are you?
please come home baby im scared for you
grace im so in love with you, you know i'd never hurt you
at least tell me you're okay...
im sorry
i love you
i will do anything to make it up to you
i fucked up so bad im so sorry
im sorry. i love you.

missed call | gustav (7)

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