That short "hey"

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That short "hey"

"Take my hand~" As we practiced for this event, I hold his hand while smiling at him. I can feel how warm his hands are because of the cold he have before the event started. I squeeze it a little as if saying just a little more, so please bear with it and so did he.

"Take my whole life too~" I responded while pulling him close to me until I'm back hugging him still looking straight to his eyes.

"For I can't help falling in love with you~" The way he sang those words I can't help but smile wider hoping to hear those words with just the two of us together.

Yes I wanna hear him say it and I would also say it no scream it so he can know how I feel about him but can't, I don't wanna ruin the friendship we both build, together...

As soon as we exited the stage I
gently guide him to the nearest couch we have backstage while holding his waist so that he won't fall accidentally. I kneel infront of him still looking straight in his eyes wondering what he is thinking right now. He just stared at me, tired.

Our manager approach us and seat beside him checking his condition. I really wanna know what's his condition, so I stand a little just to check his forehead with my forehead touching each other. He didn't complain and just let me do what I needed to do, checking his temperature if its same as mine.

I suddenly lifted him bridal style. He feels so soft and weight so light but his burning fever exceeds it all making me worry more. I quickly but carefully bring him at the room we and the staff are sleeping for the night since we're out of town. Our manager is following behind us.

I slowly and carefully placed him on the bed, cover him with the thickest blanket the hotel has trying to ease a little his shaking little body from feeling so cold. I reach for the air condition's remote and lower the temperature for him.

"I'll get something warm for you to eat and medicine for you to take, ok?" We both nodded at what our manager just said while quietly exited the room leaving only the two of us.

"Hey" He said while smiling weakly. That short hey can make him look so tired that he really push him limits trying to hide his bad state to our fans just to make them happy and not worry about him being like this. But I know there are some people who worries and are aware about his state since I'm one of them and that didn't make me happy, at all...

"Hi" I said while smiling at him while joining his little game of playful conversation. Since I wanna transfer some of the energy to him even though I really wanna scold him for pushing his limits until he is in this state but I don't wanna make him feel more tired and weak.

"Do I look handsome in today's event, P?" He asked playfully while smiling, again it looks and feels so weak can't really bear looking at him like that. I wanna see his bright smile smiling at me and to everyone, not this weak and vulnerable smile. I never knew a smile from him can make me feel so hurt.

"Yes, yes you are." I playfully answered and he smiled a little more, even if it's just a little it means a lot to me.

"I know since I look more handsome than P." He stated cheerfully trying to fool the both of us that he's fine but he knows he's not.

"Yeah sureeee~" Me agreeing to what he just said mocking and teasing him. "But in the next events I will look more handsome and you'll look more cuter." He just pout at me and roll his eyes annoyed. Cute response as always.

"Aww P, why so cruel?" He sound like a child who is starting to have tantrums in the morning.

"I'm just stating the facts, love." Love I really wanna say it with the words I and  you beside it. He also take it as a common calling for him so I know he didn't have second thoughts than I do.

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