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Cop was busy texting his P'Kim while seating beside Tee. While Tee is busy scrolling through Twitter stalking his fans' posts and pictures of him with P'Tae. Doing there favorite things to do before their photoshoots.

Hey P, where are you?
I miss you already 😊

"Why is our Copgi smiling? " Tee look over from his phone to Copter's and sees My Alpha name in the name bar of the text. He smiled teasingly and poke Cop's side which made him flinch but giggled. "Figured."

"Hey! Stop it! " Cop complained but he still didn't take his eyes from the screen and hide the text from Tee's field of sight so he will not snoop in his business.

"What did YOUR ALPHA said?" Tee arch his right eye brow to Copter still teasing him and emphasizing Copter's nickname to his lover. He quickly smiled when Tee said it, remembering who the Alpha belongs to, him.

"Secret!" He quickly ran and seated across Tee so he can hide the private conversations of his and Kim. He continue texting not minding Tee's pout trying to get his attention but failed. Tee just sigh and continue scrolling through #taedarvid posts in Twitter and save all P'Tae's handsome to derpy faces, especially when his gums were shown because of his smile that blinded Tee to love him like how he loves him.

I'm trying my best to
drive as fast as I can, love.
Just a little more na~😉

But I really wanna see you!
Not later! NOW! 😣

I know baby. Please wait
for me a little more kab~ 😊

But P!! We haven't seen each
other for 10 hours 😔

We already video call
each other. 30 minutes ago 😍

If you don't come in 10 minutes
no dinner date tonight!! 😡

Kim gulp when he read the text from My Copgi Cutie but then he remembered something that will earn a smile from his lover and forget about not having their promised romantic dinner, tonight. Kim want to have a night just the two them, alone.

He type something with a cheeky smile but still carefully driving to the drive way of the studio. He just arrive, 8 minutes after the threat text of his cute lover.

Can you send me to
my to do list? 🙏🏻

Copter read the text with a confuse expression. 'When did P'Kim made a to do list?' He thought and quickly replied.

Where is it kab?

I told Bas to hand it over
to you. Ask him 😊

Copter look up and saw Bas entered the room with Godt behind him. Both are laughing at something only the two of them know what it is about. Copter didn' t bother to ask, but Tee did.

"Why are you lovers arrive at the same time, huh?" Tee being Tee, back at it again with his teasing, good thing everyone aren't getting tired of his annoying attitude.

"We just bump into each other in the hallway, P." Bas answered hiding something near his collarbone when he was fixing the collar of his shirt. Something redish purple.

"I never saw a hallway inside the bathroom, though." Tee stand up and put a hand on his chin, examining the couple who just arrive. Circling around them like a detective looking for clues that something did happen.

"The hallway outside, P." Godt said as he wrap his arms around Bas and pull him so close to him, Copter wonder if there is still a little or even a tiny space between them? He shook his head and ask Bas so he will not listen to anymore of Tee's questions to the GodtBas couple.

"Bas, can you give me P'Kim' s to do list?" Bas nodded and fish for the small blue notebook on his backpack that P'Kim ordered him to give Copter earlier when they accidentally met at the gym.

Bas also haven't seen what's inside and forgot to look at him since he is busy bumping with Godt. He opened it, since Godt is behind him, he also read what's written.

"What's up with that face?" Copter asked when Tee joined the two lovers looking at the to do list. Tee was also shock but his smile didn't leave his handsome face.

"Here, P. " Bas handed it to Copter and let him read it but all of them step back, away from what's gonna happen.

"P'KIM!!" Copter exclaimed and at the same time a chuckle can be heard from outside the room where everyone are, almost everyone.

"Yes, love?" Kim entered the room with a mischievous smile pastered on his face. Looking so proud of himself. His stupidity to be precise...

"What is this?!" Copter said while face slowly becoming red from anger and embarrassement but mostly embarrassement.

"My to DO list kab~" Kim wink at him and run for his life, run from his life that is chasing him after Copter was holding the paper angrily crumpling the paper and throw it on the ground.

Tae came in and was wondering what was all that yelling and why Copter is angrily yelling and chasing Kimmon outside. Then Tae saw the crumpled paper on the ground and pick it up. As he open it and saw what's inside he shook his head and throw it in the trash can near him smiling at Kimmon's so called to do list.

"Looks like they would also be bumping at each other in the hallway of the bathroom, anytime now." Bas said smiling innocently at Godt who just smirk at him.



That was longer that expected hahahaha 😂 I hope you enjoyed it and your innocent thoughts kick in 😉

¬Chapter Dedication : Dear Pins83 (since the To Do List idea was hers and I just made a storyline with it 😊) Thank you for supporting and being crazy with me ka~

Thank you for reading na kab~

What We Could Have Been : KimCop One-Shots Where stories live. Discover now