⌜ sixteen ⌟

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have the booths been finalized?❞ johnny flipped through the pages of the book

the president, that was standing next to mark, nodded ❝each sections are going to have different activities this up coming school festival.

johnny nodded ❝you may now leave sicheng.

the senior took a bow and gave mark a small smile before leaving the office.

mark gulped as he saw johnny looking all so serious ❝t-the schedule is also done.

johnny raised a brow ❝where is it?

oh wait i thought i didn't need to bring here so i left it at my locker.❞ mark pressed his lips into a thin line ❝i'll get it.

johnny closed the book and gave mark a smile ❝can you also call the sports coordinator?

ten hyung?❞ johnny nodded and mark took a bow before leaving the office.

mark place a hand on his chest and heaved a sigh. he stared at the window and frowned when he knew that it was going to rain sooner or later.

woop!❞ a girl shouted from behind making mark jump from his place. koeun giggled ❝what's wrong?

mark shook his head, acting like nothing is wrong when everything is wrong ❝nah, it's nothing.

koeun shrugged, not wanting to force him to twll the truth ❝ok then, wanna hang out later?

mark smiled ❝how about right now?

koeun looked at her watch from her wrist and nodded ❝sure.

mark then remembered the task that was given to him by johnny. ❝but first i have to get something from my locker.

want me to come and help you?

mark just giggled ❝just stay here.

koeun quietly obeyed and watched mark walk away and was now bored after seeing the guy disappear from her sight.

mark hummed his way towards his locker and paused when he saw someone familiar walking towards his direction.

hyung!❞ ten looked up and gave mark a smile


your boyfriend is looking for you.❞ mark giggled

ten furrowed his brows ❝johnny is not my boyfriend.

mark raised his brow teasingly ❝oh? i didn't say a name.

the older groaned and ran a hand through his hair ❝don't tell this to anyone ok?

mark nodded his head and watched ten passing by him. ❝don't forget to use protection!

ten's face turned red ❝stupid we aren't doing anything dirty!❞ his voice can be heard across the hallway

mark giggled and continued walking towards his locker. he then remembered koeun waiting for him.

he still doesn't know if he's doing the right thing or not. is changing the past a good thing? donghyuck mentioned to him countless of times that he didn't want to have a future with him. even though they spent their married life with quarrels and fights, there were also some days that they would compliment each other and care for each other. although, those rarely happens.

mark opened his locker with a smile. if donghyuck wants to be with yukhei then he'll just accept it. maybe in the future he would have a happy family with koeun.

"what do you mean i'm a cheater?"

mark's thoughts were cut off by two people arguing and the end of the hallways.

mark turned to see who were those people and his eyes widened as he saw them.

you think i didn't saw that?❞ yukhei crossed his arms

donghyuck furrowed his brows ❝saw what?

seeing the younger act dumb made yukhei lose his patience ❝acting like you don't know?

the heck yukhei? i really don't know what you are talking about!❞ donghyuck placed a hand on yukhei's forehead ❝are you sick?

yukhei hissed and slapped donghyuck's hand away making mark move from his place. he was mad that yukhei slapped donghyuck's hand. but what made him more mad at yukhei was that he was hurting donghyuck. donghyuck was standing there, holding back his tears. he was afraid of yukhei.

he stopped midway when he heard yukhei speak again.

you kissing mark lee.

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once again┃markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now