⌜ seventeen ⌟

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you kissing mark lee.

donghyuck's eyes widened when he heard that. he never knew that yukhei was there and that he saw him kissing mark. ❝look i'm—

you're what? sorry?❞ yukhei scoffed ❝am i boring? is it really that easy for you to replace me?

it was donghyuck's turn to get pissed off ❝excuse me? it doesn't mean i kissed mark, i already replaced you.

what does it mean then? you don't go around kissing another guy when you have a boyfriend!

yukhei's right. this time it was donghyuck's fault. why did he even kiss mark when he already has yukhei. as far as donghyuck knows, he hated mark. he hated mark for being a jerk, for always finding everything wrong about him, for always not being there when they need him.

but why did he kiss mark?

he wanted to apologize but then he remembered the time when jaemin asked yukhei to come with them to the nursey but yukhei didn't go with them since he excused himself as busy.

and what about you? going somewhere without telling your boyfriend.❞ donghyuck crossed his arms

at least i didn't kiss jungwoo.❞ yukhei placed his hands at the side of his hips

donghyuck's jaw dropped ❝you were with jungwoo?

that was supposed to be a whisper but seems like donghyuck heard it ❝and so what?

so what?❞ donghyuck pointed a finger at him ❝you were with jungwoo and you didn't even tell me!

you kissed mark when you already have a boyfriend.❞ yukhei sighed and ran a hand through his hair ❝you know what, let's end this.

mark at the background wanted to run towards them and blame himself even though he knows that it was donghyuck who started the kiss, but he would do it just for the sake of donghyuck not to be hurt.

but he didn't do it. he just stayed there and waited for the next thing to happen.


yukhei looked away ❝i cheated, you cheated, it's fair. let's end this.

look, yukhei, i didn't cheat—

donghyuck, let's break up.

yukhei gave donghyuck a last look before leaving him there.

donghyuck stared at the ground while processing what just happened. yukhei breaking up with donghyuck just happened.

as mark was about to take a step forward, donghyuck quickly ran away. not to catch up to yukhei but to run away to somewhere quiet.

he just want to be alone. he wanted to run to chenle but he didn't want to ruin the moment chenle and jisung are having right now. jaemin was his next option but he's been running to jaemin ever since that he think that he's a burden to jaemin already.

his body gave up when he reached at the middle of the field. not only his body but also everything about him. he started crying.

it hurt him so bad that they broke up just like that.

his second chance, ruined, just like that.

are yukhei and i not really meant to be?❞ donghyuck sobbed

it's now the second time donghyuck felt this. the second one hurt more than the first one. maybe it's because he knew that there won't be a third chance already.

stop crying.

mark crouched down in front of donghyuck and offered him a handkerchief.

donghyuck raised his head and could feel a drop of water falling down. seconds passed by and turned to minutes, small drops of water turned to rain and now the both of them were wet.

what..❞ donghyuck sobbed ❝it's raining.

mark gave donghyuck a small smile and didn't care about the rain. donghyuck's state was what he cares the most right now.

he wiped donghyuck's tears using his already wet handkerchief. ❝don't cry.

donghyuck sniffed ❝i'm not crying, it's the rain.

mark giggled and then frowned after hearing donghyuck sob again ❝i'm sorry.

it's not your fault, it's mine.❞ donghyuck covered his face using both of his hands ❝maybe we are really meant to break up no matter what. i bet if i turn back again and have a third chance, we will still break up one way or another.

mark ran a hand on donghyuck's hair as it was covering his swollen face from crying.

i'm so stupid for thinking that i could change the past.❞ donghyuck stared at mark and cried. he didn't care if mark saw how ugly his face is right now ❝but you can. seems like you and koeun are going to be happy in the future.

mark raised both of his hands and placed it on top of donghyuck, making it as an umbrella to shelter donghyuck from the rain.

donghyuck's tears kept on falling but was being disguised by the rain ❝what are you doing?

sheltering you from the rain.❞ mark said as if it was a normal thing to do

but to donghyuck he looked stupid and it made him giggle. he then hit mark's chest lightly ❝you idiot, i'm still wet from the rain.

you're right.

donghyuck looked at mark and admired his face. he brushed back the hair from mark's forehead and caressed the older's cheeks.

mark gave donghyuck a smile that could at least make him calm ❝let's go inside, shall we?

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