5: The test

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"Okay. If you were given valuable information about something very important that would effect your life, wuoild you keep it a secret even if it was the wrong thing to do?"

"I dint really know how to answer that."

"Just think. Would you tell the truth to your parents even if it they shouldn't know." She says in an exasperated tone.

"Well if it the information could cause harm to them, I guess I wouldn't tell them. I would do what I think would be right in the situation I guess." I say not exactly knowing how to answer. I'm eight years old. I don't think about this kind of stuff. I don't have to think about this kind of stuff.

"Don't worry only a few more."

Yeah sure. I've herd that before.

"Would you sacrifice yourself to save someone else."

What the heck kind of question is that. People don't sacrifice themselves for other people. Their isn't a reason to. Either way, I'm just going to answer the questions based on what she wants to hear. I guess. "Yes."

She looks at her computer and starts typing things down. I would walk over and see, but mom tells me not to do that. She says it's rude and very annoying. Never really made too much of an impact on me though, I still did it and she still got mad.

"What would you go through to achieve something."


"Anything? What about manipulating people?"

I nod. Whatever it takes. That what Mom and Dad say.

"Your given two paths, which do you take. The forest or the river."

"River." As weird as the question was, I answered this one truthfully. I didn't usually spend too much time in the mountains or forests. We'd go on vacations to Hawaii or really any other types of beaches.

"Which setting makes you feel more comfortable?" She takes out four photos and holds them up to me. One is a black and white picture of a house. Next to that one is a picture of a volcano exploding. After that their is one of an open road, also black and white. Lastly, the forth picture is of fire.

"The last one." Oddly enough, I felt most comfortable looking at the fire. If you were to ask me why, I wouldn't have an answer.

"Would you want to be know as someone who people feared, someone who could be trusted, someone who followed the rules, someone loyal, someone who was unreliable, someone who was wise and brilliant, or somebody who always followed their instincts."

"Someone wise and brilliant."

"Are the rules important to you."

"To some degree." She nods and continues typing. She takes a look at me and back at the computer probably about 5 times.

"Okay that's all we need. I'm just going to need some blood and then we'll bring you to your family." She walks over and without any warning sticks a needle in my arm.

I flinch as she injects it and watch the blood slowly fill up the bottle.

"All good. Now if you'll follow me we can get you back to your family."

She opens the door and walks out. I follow her to the edge and glance at the computer. I see a 100% and a bunch of other words. Doesn't look too important.

She holds the door open and I step out into the hallway. She walks me down the same hallway covered in doors and opens the second to last one.

I step in and see a camera in one corner and a bed in the other. I turn around and see that the door has closed. Pure anger fills within me and I start to scream and bang on the door. Over and over.

"Why am I in here!" I yell. "You said I was leaving!"

I kick it and bang my fists repeatedly till they become numb. A tear escapes from my eyes and I brake into a full on sob switching between screaming.

I need to get out of here. I need to find my family.

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