Chapter 2: Red Hearts and Blue Suites

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The tension in the elevator was so dense you could cut it with a knife. You could hear everyone’s breathing and even the creak of my leather as I shuffled uneasily on my feet.
‘Reed you should know that those solar winds have been picking up speed-‘ Sue started tensely.
‘Well I factored them into my coordinates’ Reed snapped giving her a plastic smile.
‘Right’ Sue said through clenched teeth. ‘Of course you did, in theory. It’s a little different when you’re out there’

I couldn’t help my jaw dropping and me just staring at the pair. Did they know how pathetic they were right now? Me and Ben were getting so uncomfortable.
‘I can assure you-‘
‘When are we leaving?’ Ben stepped in and made Sue and Reed stop there quiet bickering. I started to crack my knuckles and pretend I had no part in this.
‘I’ll be scheduling the launch so-‘ she pulled out one of her business cards and held it out to Reed, ‘you can call me in the morning for resources and crew’ she gave a professional smile that even a blind dude could see through.
‘I think I remember the number’ Reed said slowly and tersely, refusing the card.
‘It’s been changed’ Sue mouthed coldly.


I knew it wasn’t helping but I had a smirk plastered to my face and it didn’t help when Ben gestured for Reed to put a word in. Oh right, yeah I wanted part in this space mission. I had never been to space before.
‘As far as crew goes, I was hoping Ben could pilot the mission and Maxine could document our findings and monitor the storms affects-‘
‘I’ve already put in a good word for Maxine and she’s already scheduled’ Sue smiled at me and I felt myself blush with pride.
‘However for a pilot, we already have one on our payroll but you’re welcome to ride shotgun. Remember my brother Johnny?’


Six weeks later we were all prepared to go up into space and I was pumped! I was so excited! Reed, Ben and I were standing high above ground level on the metal structures that were our way up to the space station. Ben and I both had binoculars and we were looking down the dirt road, I saw a flashy car with a pretty girl inside and beside the car on his motorbike was Johnny Storm, pashing the chick while she was driving.

I was literally seeing red although that could have been my fringe in my line of vision. My jaw dropped and then advanced to clench again in anger. Oh yes. I remember Johnny. He is the biggest jerk on the entire planet, not including Victor Von Doom of course. He ditched me for some other girl when we were dating about a year or two ago. Infact when Sue and Reed were dating. I hate his guts,
‘I totally taught him how to do that’ I murmured to myself. Reed gave me an odd glance but I looked away before he could ask questions.
‘Can’t do it’ Ben mumbled, ‘cannot do it’
‘External SRB’s, orbital system engines; just like the shuttle he flew-‘
‘No’ Ben cut Reed off, ‘ I cannot take orders from the underwear model’
‘Neither the hell can I!!’ I snapped taking Ben’s side.

‘Oh come on now’ Reed looked to the both of us.
‘That wing nut washed out of NASA for sneaking two Victoria Secret wannabes into a flight simulator’ Ben said deadpan.
‘Youthful high spirits’ Reed put out there.
‘Yeah and I’m Mickey Mouse’ I sneered.
‘They crashed it into a wall. A flight simulator!’
‘Whenever have I ever asked you to do something you absolutely said you could not do?’ Reed protested.

‘Five times’ Ben put up his hand and turned away and descended the stairs.
‘I had it at four’
‘Well this makes five’ Ben shouted,
‘Oh boy is this mission going to be fun’ I said with a hard smile at Reed.


It took every fibre in me to not kill Johnny Storm when I saw him striding in through the place like he owned the world. Yeah burning his shit is gonna be the lowest thing I’ll do to him. But nothing stopped my heart hitting the wall of my chest and I heard it echo in my ears and my throat. I tried to stay calm and to get over the fact that I had to work with Johnny but the more I thought about it the more I wanted to cry and scream and hit something.

I finally got away and into the girls changing room where I met Sue who was all dressed up in a skin tight blue suit. She looked at me and something like pity crossed her eyes. I just gave her a look of annoyance and quickly dressed in the blue suit. It was tight and as I looked at myself in the mirror it outlined every part of my body. I was slender and tall but I had a big bust and that was a flaw I always saw in myself. I turned and tried to make my chest flattened slightly as I critiqued myself in front of the glass.
‘Max, stop you look fine’ Sue said looking me directly in the eyes. ‘Get him out of your head, you’re not yourself’ she gave a sad smile.
‘He is outta my head, it’s just this suit is so…I mean…’ I couldn’t really put my point across.
‘Max, you’re gorgeous’ Sue assured, ‘now show it off’ she smiled and I believed her. I lowered the zip on my suit slightly just showing enough cleavage to make any guy drool.

We then stepped out and came into the middle of Ben complaining about the suites.
‘-don’t know if I should be doing Swan Lake in these suites, who the hell came up with these?’
‘Victor did’ Sue said from behind the guys. Together a gorgeous blonde and fiery red hair both in skin tight suits the boys had to stare for a moment.
‘The synthetics act as a second skin adapting to you body’s individual needs’ Sue said and I saw Reed give her a long look over.
‘See that means it keep the hot stuff hot and it keeps the cool stuff cool’ Johnny said matter-of-factly.
‘Too bad it doesn’t keep all of the stupid in’ I snapped and stood there with my arms crossed over my chest. Johnny looked up at me and I almost saw his jaw drop.
‘Maxine’ he asked almost stunned.
‘Oh so you do remember me. Oh and it’s Max, make a note of it’ I said as coldly as I could with my heart in my throat. I looked to Sue and Reed and I could tell they were looking at each other very intensely.
‘Wow, fantastic’ Reed muttered looking at Sue. Sue began to smile but then disappeared once Reed opened his mouth again.
‘Material made from self-regulating, unstable molecules. I’ve been working on a formula for this’

I raised my eyebrow and nearly punched Reed. Johnny wasn’t paying attention to anyone as he kept on staring at me like a kid at candy. I looked at him and his stare didn’t veer. I clicked my fingers infront of his face,
‘Pay attention Storm, I hope you have more than the attention span of an ant while we’re on the mission, wouldn’t want anything to happen would we?’ I gave him a devilish smile and sauntered off with my baggy suite in tow. Sue followed as she chucked Reed’s right at his face with no thought whatsoever.

Ah, this trip was going to be such fun. 

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