Chapter 9: Elevators and Everlasting Love

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The fact that my clothes literally tore off my body because of my supersonic speed was a problem, and I wasn't prepared to worry about whether or not my shirt for that day could resist the force of the speed. I went in search of Reed and Sue to see if they could so something to help my little issue. Johnny it seemed, had the same idea I met him by the corridor and saw that steam was rising from his shoulders and his shirt was riddled with holes and was practically burning off. He looked me up and down as I wore a huge sweatshirt that had actually stretched when I used supersonic speed, I was holding it onto myself like a huge blanket.

'Hmm' he muttered,
'What?' I said, gripping the sweatshirt tighter, making sure there wasn't anything he could see.
'Nothing, I just liked you better know, naked'
'Wish I could say the same about you' I jeered.
'Its not that hard, just say it' he smirked. I slit my eyes at him and hurried to the testing area to find Sue and Reed having a staring competition. They were probably having a fight by the looks of them both they were staring intensely and angrily at each other. I was about to turn around and bother them later but Johnny interrupted anyway,
'Guys I think we have a serious problem' he gestured to his burning shirt. I stood behind him and gazed at the taunt muscles that made up his back. I bit my lip and wondered how much it would take it tear it off. No! stop talking, I ordered my inner romantic, he's a cheater remember, he broke your heart. Yes, but it wouldn't hurt to run your hands over those abs again, would it? Shut up! I looked away and tried to focus on something else, anything but the fact that Johnny's body was practically cut by diamonds.


Reed shifted away from Sue and attended to our problems. I saw Sue's shoulders stiffened as well as her jaw as though she was clenching her teeth or refusing to cry. I wanted to go to her, I hated seeing her upset, one of the reasons I wanted to comfort her was she hardly ever showed how sad she was about something. She was a tough woman so I knew she could handle it, besides I didn't want to intrude, so left with Reed and Johnny.

'Max would you like to help me with these?' Reed asked, even though it was more of a command. I smiled and helped him analyse the blue uniforms that we all wore on the space station. It took hours and I would be lying if I said I didn't want to bother with science right now. But nonetheless I worked and finally we had gotten an answer to our questions.

We were all assembled in the living room, all wearing our blue uniforms, except for Ben of course who couldn't care less. Every time I saw him, pity filled my heart. Toughen up Grimm, he can handle it.
'Our uniforms were exposed to the storm like us, so they can transform like us' Reed explained, 'becoming invisible, changing size on demand, remain impervious to flame and resist supersonic force'
'You guys look like an 80's rock band' Ben laughed as he slouched on the sofa drinking from a metal cup. I folded my arms and watched in amusement as Johnny was marvelling over his uniform.
'You know Ben, this material stretches I'm sure we can figure out a way to make it fit' she remarked very seriously.
'If you guys hold him down, it wouldn't take long' I joked eying my uncle.
'No, I wouldn't be caught dead in that'

'I love these costumes' Johnny grinned wide like the Cheshire Cat, 'its missing something though, need some spice' he enunciated the word spice. He was such a child, it made me like him even more. I involuntarily bit my tongue, as though I had said that aloud. I seriously need to stop daydreaming.
'They're not costumes' Reed added.
'Johnny you can't use your powers in public' Sue warned her brother. He began to karate chop the air like a ninja, a really bad ninja.
'You guys are worse than NASA' he retorted and walked off,
'Johnny!' Sue called after him.

'Maybe it's missing a utility belt' Ben chuckled. I threw my hands up in the air and walked away.
'Max' I heard Reed call after me.


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