Chapter 12: Horrible Action Figures and Hypocrites

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Can we all just take a minute to look at Chris Evans in the picture on the side <3


Uncle Ben’s steps thundered through the floor and I felt the vibrations run through my legs up from the floor. Johnny gave Ben a look of the miniature figurine of himself. My eye roll was just reflex and totally involuntary. Ben’s had a tough few weeks, the least he needed was some hot head getting up in his personal space. The Thing figurine even made a noise, this it seemed did not sit well with my uncle as he grabbed the little toy and smashed it into the wall beside Johnny’s head. Melodic laugh, soft and girly rose from my throat. It surprised me too as I hid around the corner again to try and hide the fact that I was spying on them.

My confession to Johnny was supposed to make me feel better about things. But to be honest, I was just embarrassed and confused. I wasn’t even sure if The Human Torch felt the same way, it was hard to tell what he was thinking because that womanizer exterior was always up and out for all to see. I thought that when I dated him I would break down that exterior, I thought that maybe I could see underneath that fake Johnny and bring out the real him. But I was wrong, he did what he always did with girls, cheated with them on someone prettier. I was just too stupid and naïve to figure it out at that point in time.

However times had changed. The five of us had gone through this crazy accident and whether we liked it or not we were stuck together. Whether or not Reed and Sue got past their cold and scientific behaviours and realised that they loved each other. Whether or not Uncle Ben would forget about Debbie and go after that adorable artist Alicia. Whether or Johnny and I figured out how we felt about each other.

‘Hey! That was the prototype!’ Johnny shouted aghast. Ben just grumbled and took the elevator up. The door to the stairwell opened and Sue came down looking very flustered, she didn’t even notice me standing by the wall in the shadows like a weirdo.
‘Johnny have you seen Ben?’
‘Yeah sunshine just left’ Johnny rushed as he walked past her, ‘, look Sue I’m sorry I can’t stand this freak show, I-I gotta get back to the real world’ he put his hands up in defeat.

Freak show! We were a freak show? Well I guess after what I said to him, freak show probably sums it up perfectly.
‘You’re calling that the real world?’ Sue questioned just as stupefied as I was.
‘Sue, stop, you’re not Mom don’t treat me like a little boy, okay?’ Johnny frowned at his sister and turned to go again.
‘Maybe I would if you stop acting like one’ Sue snapped. Go Sue! He needed a talk from his big sister, ‘do you even hear yourself? Who do you think you are?’
‘Why is everyone on my ass! If you guys are jealous that’s fine, I didn’t expect it from you though’ he countered. There was that word again, jealous. Johnny turned and was almost at the door when Sue stepped in again.
‘You really think those people out there care about you?’ her voice rose high and she was clearly irritated, ‘you’re just a fad to them Johnny’

It was so true. The people, the crowds, the fangirls, they loved something new something to scream about, something to write about and make rumours about. They were his friends today but wait a couple more weeks and soon the rumours would start to fly, but by then he would so deep in media coverage there would be no way to dig his way out. If Sue and Johnny didn’t know it or if they did, this argument was a do or die in how things panned out, media wise. Johnny strut right up to his sister and looked directly into her eyes. Oh god just hug and make up already, I thought.
‘Let’s try something new, you live your life I’ll live mine’ he raised his eyebrows, challenging Sue to say something, anything back. I saw her shoulders relax she knew that he had won this round, Sue was right to just let him go.
‘Oh and for the record, they love me!’ Johnny ended the conversation and left through the revolving doors into the night.
‘No they don’t’ I whispered under my breath, ‘I do’

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