Epilogue: Proposals and Paid Bets

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Yeah so this is the last part of Burning Fury. For anyone wanting to know I won't be writing anymore stories continuing from this fanfiction like Billionaire's Daughter (however there will be a short fanfiction after this book that will be called "Billionaire's Daughter Meets Burning Fury":)). I want to thank everyone for their awesome comments and all of the reads and votes. For your information this very short, like a page, but without further a-do here is the epilogue of Burning Fury.
Also this epilogue's dedication goes to ThenaOdinson for her great comments ;)

‘Congratulations Max!’ Sue handed me another glass of champagne, and also offered one to Alicia, Uncle Ben’s new girlfriend. She was an artist however she was also blind, although she handled it incredibly well. I had no reason to not like her, she was adorable and such a kind and gentle person. We were great friends now.
‘Our Maxine is officially a doctor’ Sue exclaimed and went to go and hand Alicia a glass
‘No I think we’ve had enough’ she giggled.
‘Just one more’ I urged and put the glass in her hands. I had finally gotten my PhD and could change my name to Doctor Maxine Jade Grimm. I was so happy now that I could work alongside with Reed Richards as an equal. We could publish papers together, without my name being in size eight font down the bottom right hand corner of the page. It was a great way to end the year. Especially after Victor was put away, it seemed that the world was ready for The Fantastic Five.

Alicia, Sue and I all got up from the bar and broke away. I went to go find Johnny who was slowly but surely being herded by a group of pretty girls wearing far too little, how did they get here, I don’t remember inviting them. I swam through the sea of girls and stood infront of Johnny eying them all with my best back-off expression,
‘Sorry ladies if you want him, you’re gonna have to go through me’ I snapped, ‘and my uncle, and Sue Storm and Reed Richards’
They all gave me their best bitch looks and immediately backed off. Johnny wrapped his arms around my waist, his breath heavy on my neck,
‘I had it under control’ he promised me, I rolled my eyes,
‘Oh sure. Was that why they were all undressing you with their eyes?’

He just laughed. I got up and walked up beside Uncle Ben. Everyone was looking outside to where Reed was kneeling before Sue asking her to marry him. I felt tears prick the back of my eyes, he finally got the guts to ask her. When she said yes everyone cheered, clapped and threw comments out to the front deck.
‘I win Mr Storm’ I smirked his directly, poking his stomach.
‘What do you mean you win?’ he asked, completely forgetting about out bet.
‘I bet that Sue would go back to Reed, you bet for Victor. Pay up mister’
‘I don’t remember that’ he tried to avoid my gaze.
‘Really? Up on the space station you trying to make out with me, ring any bells?’
‘Just hand over the money kid, she’s never gonna give it up’ Ben grumbled beside him.

Johnny sighed and got out his wallet, he handed the crisp twenty dollar note into my hand and leaned in close,
‘This is yours and this is mine’ he went to go and kiss me when I stopped him.
‘Nah-ah’ I stopped him, ‘it’s ours’ then I pressed my mouth and his and suddenly forgot about the money.
‘Okay that’s enough you two, one proposal is all we need tonight’ Ben grunted. I giggled and broke away. I hid the blush that threatened to redden my cheeks, Johnny and I…married?
‘Oh and hey no more wisecracks about the way I look okay?’ Ben murmured to Johnny. My boyfriend clapped a hand onto my uncle’s shoulder.
‘Hey I’m Mr Sensitive now’ Johnny assured. Yet right!

Johnny stepped a few paces into the crowd out the deck before he shouted,
‘Okay everyone move wide load coming through everyone move he’s huge!’
Uncle Ben gave a loud irritated growl and stomped out to try and catch Johnny who turned Human Torch,
‘Flame on!’ he shouted and shot up into the sky. He wrote the number 5 in a circle with fire in the night time sky before coming back to the boat and holding his hand out to me,
‘Doctor’ he said, and I took his hand. He pulled me into his arms and we flew out over the water away from the boat party. 

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