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3 years ago

Your POV

“Mom!” I yelled from upstairs as I frantically put on my socks.

“Yes, honey?!”

“Mom, where's my laptop?! I'm already late for class!”

“It’s in the lounge!”

I hurriedly put on my shoes and ran downstairs, almost slipping and falling on my face when my brother caught me.

“Slow down, baby sis.”

“But, Ren, I'm late! I have to submit my assignment for this class.”

“You should have woken up sooner,” he laughed.

“Argh! Shut up!” I grabbed my laptop and tossed it into my backpack.

“Honey, breakfast?”

“No, mom.” I was about to run out when Ren stopped me.

“You.” He pointed at me. “Breakfast.” He pointed at the table.


“I'll drive you.”

“Okay!” My eyes literally shone with glitter.

I had my breakfast, and then Ren drove me to college.

"Don't bunk classes, okay?" he teased me.

"Oh, please, if I wanted to bunk classes, I would have stayed at home instead." He laughed at my answer. "Oh, yeah! When is your competition?"

"They haven’t completed the Judo matches yet. So we swimmers have to wait, but the date was announced to be Monday."

"That's like four days away! You’re not slacking off in training; are you?!"

"You'll get the answer to that when I win the competition," he winked at me, and I snorted.

"Aren't you full of yourself. I'm going inside."

"Okay. See you later." He drove off as I entered the college. I was dozing off during the second lecture when Lyra nudged my shoulder.

"Wake up! The professor is looking at you."

I tried opening my eyes and looking at the board when my phone began vibrating in my pocket. I took it out.

Mom? Why would she call? I glanced at the professor, and he was looking directly at me. Shit. I turned my phone off. Sorry, mom.

After the lecture I turned it back on and stared at the screen, wide-eyed as I saw 15 missed calls from mom and 5 texts. Immediately opening the texts, I found what was happening.

"Come home immediately!"

"Wait! Come to the station. They took your brother to the police station!"

The police station? Why? I read the next text.

"They keep saying Ren did it, and they won't let me talk to him."

Did what?

"Get to the station right now!"

"The police say Ren killed a man."

. . .


* * *

"Mom!" I ran into the office where she was, and she stood up upon seeing me. "Are you okay?" I asked her and she was nodded, her cheeks still wet from crying.

"Officer! What's the meaning of this?!" I slammed my hands onto the table. "It can't be true! Ren.would never lay a hand on anyone!"

"Then who killed the man? A ghost?"

"It can't be my brother!" I shook my head. "Let us see him."

"I can't."

"He hasn't been declared a killer yet, and he's in the holding cell; isn't he? His family is allowed to meet him."

"What do you know?!"

"I'm studying law!" I took out a course book and slammed it onto the table. "Let us meet him before I get you fired from this job."

I glared at him, and he gulped. "Fine. Follow me."

He took us to the holding cell where I saw Ren sitting in a corner with bloody clothes.

"Ren!" Mom and I called out to him together, catching his attention.

"Mom!" He stood up. "Sis!" He ran to the cell gate, grabbing the bars."I didn't do it." He shook his head. “It wasn't me."

"I know," Mom nodded. "I know," she whispered as she overlapped her hands onto his and began crying.

"Ren . . ." I pursed my lips; my brain was jumbled at the moment. I wanted to cry, but at the same time I wanted to be strong. I turned towards the officer there.

"Did you check the CCTV there?"

"We are still checking."

"How much time does it take to check that out? You should be done by now!"

"Young lady, don't try to disrespect me while your brother's life is at stake. We'll see if he's innocent or not."

I backed away and walked towards the cell, where mom was crying.

"Mom, don't cry."

"What did they say?" she sniffled.

"That they're inspecting the CCTV."

I looked at Ren; the blood on him really made it look like he was the culprit.

"I didn't do it," he whispered, looking at me. "Really, it wasn't me. I tried stopping the people but had to get involved." He shook his head. "You believe me, right? I would never do something like that."

I couldn't answer him. This is why you shouldn't jump into other people's problem.

Author's bullshit

This is half of the past. Half I'll write when my brain comes back to life.😃

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