Part 2

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It was weird being hugged by someone other than my mom.
It felt kind of nice actually. I felt like I had a real friend in that moment and it was nice to let out what I felt, even if it was to Zack.
After hugging for what seemed like years he finally let go of me. He scooted over a bit on the couch and we stared at our feet and didn't say a word until mother got home.
Finally, mother was home.
She opened the door with a two boxes in her arms.
"So Lenon they didn't have lemon cake, or any cake so I got a pie", she said setting the boxes on the table.
Mother walked over to the couch and put her hand on my cheek, "how are you feeling?"
I smiled at her at didn't say a word.
Mother looked down at her watch.
"Oh shoot, Lenon we missed the appointment!" Mother sighed.
I hated appointments so I was relieved.
"Zack want to stay for pie?" Mother asked.
Zack looked at me for reassurance and I nodded.
"Great! Lenon I bought you a little something", mom says handing me a box.
I still hold the cloth to my bloody face so Zack helps me open the box. We finally manage to get it open and I pull out a piece of ribbon. The ribbon is yellow with little white dots. I drop the box and hug my mom. "Thank you" I tell her.
She hugs me back.

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