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         On the way home I don't say a word to mother.
"Can you please tell me what happened?" Mother says in her concerned mom voice.
I don't respond.
"So is Zack your boyfriend now?"
I still refuse to answer her.
Mother sighs and continues to drive.
"He's a good kid", she says shrugging.
I shake my head, "I don't even know him".
Mother smirks and continues to drive home.
      When we arrive home
I run upstairs to my bedroom and close the door behind me. I lean up against my door and slowly slide down.
Is Zack my boyfriend, sheesh mom.
Yeah zacks my boyfriend after saying all of two words to him, I think to myself sarcastically.
I think of my almost first kiss.
I sit against the door and laugh to myself.
Zacks girlfriend? Please.
I shake my head at laugh at myself some more.
I don't know why I liked the thought of that but I did.
And I wondered if Zack did too.
I sit in physics like I do every morning first period. It's been a week since I almost kissed Zack and we have not spoken since.
It's gotten to the point where I find myself staring at him without even realizing it, yep that's right I like Zack and I'm not even going to doubt it anymore.
He's everything I want and more.
Having a friend was really nice, and something I had to get used to but because Zack is refusing to speak to me, it kind of seems like I'm alone again.
After first period I walk to my locker to grab my binder for photography.
As I close my locker I'm startled by Jason's giant forehead that made a grand appearance right behind my locker door.
Jason is a jock, a very jerky jock. The stereotypical hot jock that every girl ( and some guys) will automatically have a mutual crush on. You know what I mean.
Everyone school has one. And I had always found him attractive and had a tiny crush on him, nothing major though. And nothing close to what I felt for Zack.
"Hey sunshine", Jason says flashing a stupid smile at me.
"Hi?" I say confused.
Everyone at this school has some reason or another to bully me so Jason talking to me confused me.
I turn around for a second and turn back to Jason making sure my brain is not playing tricks on me. When your schizophrenic that tends to happen.
"You, me, and a large chocolate shake tonight?" He asks winking.
I look down at my feet and then back up at him.
"Maybe if you ask for whipped cream and a cherry on top", I say I'm the most flirtatious voice I could come up with.
"Meet me at Marila's at 6 sharp", he says walking down the hall and bumping into people.
I look down and giggle.
Wait what did I just do.
What was that phrase what am I doing?
I like Zack, not Jason!
Oh my god what have I done.
I can't cancel after that remark what have I done.
I text my mom after school telling her that I'll walk home.
Yes it is a long walk but I need some time to think to myself about the giant mistake I have just made.
So here's what I have gathered.
I almost kissed Zack. He called me beautiful, and he said he likes me in a "friendshippy way".
On the other hand we have this hot jock who just happens to be the biggest jerk in school, and I have a date with him tonight. I hate anxiety, it makes you make Decisions on the spot that I don't want to have to make. I don't like Jason and I have zero
Interest in sharing his stupid chocolate shake, even if it did have a delicious cherry on top and some fluffy whipped cream. Yes I'm hungry don't judge.
So now I'm stuck and have no choice but to go on the stupid date. It's not like Zack wants to do anything.
After what happened he's probably hiding from me.
And maybe I don't need Zack.
This date could be good for me, maybe help me gain friends and higher my social status.
What's zack going to do, make me feel special and treat me the way I deserve to be treated? Eh who needs that sappy stuff.
Ok yeah I know I'm making myself cringe too.
I arrive at home at run up my stairs fast.
"Lenon?" I hear mother murmur.
I tear open my closet, practically ripping the door off the hinges, and start frantically throwing clothes everywhere.
I hear my door open.
"Lenon sweetie what the heck are you doing, and your home 2 hours late where have you been?"
Mother asks.
"No time for questions mom, I have a date in an hour, with Jason from school".
"Ohhhh a date now, here let me hel"-.
" no mom I got this I know what I need to be doing, now if you could just give me some privacy that would be great!" I say to her.
Mother nods and slowly closes the door behind her and she walks out of my room.
I pull out a white crop top and some black skinny jeans.
I run to the bathroom and put on some mascara and straighten my hair.
Not going to lie, I look hot. And not like myself at all.
I grab my backpack and run out the door. Then I run back inside remembering that I cannot drive.
"Umm hey mom, can you maybe drive me to Morila's?".
Mother nods her head and grabs the keys and we head out.
We arrive at the chocolate shoppe and I have to listen to mother's lecture before I head in.
"Ok Lenon, no kissing, no touching, help him pay, be a lady, sit up straight, don't mention that I am a single mom, not that it should matter-"
"Ok mom, I'll be fine", I say interrupting her.
"Ok dear", she says kissing my forehead.
I hop out of the truck and head inside.
I sit down at a booth, alone.
I check my phone only to find that it's 7:00.
I've been stood up. I sigh and look down at my torn jeans when I hear "Extra whipped cream and two cherries?" I look up to find Jason holding a chocolate shake.
I half smile ," your late".
"Yeah I know, basketball ran late and coach gave me crap about leaving early, but I'm here now and I'll pay for the shake". Ok he may be a jerk but he's charming.
I smile and take a sip.
"Hey do you mind if I run to the bathroom fast?" Jason says looking at my chest. He can't even make eye contact. This is awkward.
"Go ahead", I say frowning slightly.
I take another sip of the shake.
I hear the bell of the front door opening and in walks Zack.
Well shoot. I try to get low in the seat so he does not see me but it's too late.
"Hi Lenon, umm sorry for not talking to you for a while I've been really stressed with school and grades and you know, school?" He says looking at his feet.
I don't say anything.
Zack looks up and notices Jason standing right behind him.
Jason makes Zack look tiny because he's a good two feet taller than him.
"I.. I, okay" Zack says scurrying away like a mouse after seeing a lion.
I felt bad.
"Who's that little wimp", Jason says now sitting on my side of the booth, sliding closer to me.
I felt very uncomfortable.
"He's umm, a good friend",I say looking down at my ripped jeans again.
I feel Jason's hand touch my knee and slowly slide up.
"Don't be afraid", he whispers in my ear.
I gulp as his hand goes up higher and higher up my leg. I try to remove his hand from my thighs but he does not budge.
"Do not touch me!", I practically scream.
Jason sits up quickly and notices everyone staring.
He grabs my hand and angrily speaks to me.
"Your giving people the wrong idea Lenon".
I look at him and say, " well you obviously had the wrong idea about me". I pushed him out of the way and began to storm out of morila's .
I am halfway out the door when I hear a loud gasp.
I turn back and walk back into the shoppe.
Jason is on the floor and Zack is standing above him. I put my hand over my mouth a pace out the door. Zack had punched Jason. Now that's awkward.
"Wait, Lenon!" Zack says running to catch up to me.
He grabs my hand.
"Lenon how could you do this to me". Zack says basically crying.
"Do what zack, I haven't done a thing to you. I went on a date! That doesn't concern you now just please leave me alone, you obviously have a problem with me now!" I say yanking my hand from his and crying. I begin walking again, and I hear a loud claps of thunder. This moment couldn't get any worse.
I don't even bother calling mother I just keep walking forward.
"Lenon please!", he yells still following me.
I do not turn back until I feel zacks hand on my shoulder.
I turn around.
"Lenon you don't understand do you?", he says with tears in his eyes.
I don't respond.
"Lenon, I like you, l. L. Like a lot", he admits.
I didn't know how to respond.
I knew I had to do something and fast.
I leaned in and quickly pecked zack on the lips.
We both stood in the parking lot staring at each other for what seemed like years until finally Zack smiled the biggest smile I'd ever seen and leaned in and kissed me back. And... it started pouring.
I felt zack put one hand on my back and the other on the back of my head.
He obviously had no clue what he was doing but neither did I so it was ok.
A tiny kiss soon turned into a make out.
I put my arms around zacks waist and let loose.
We finally pulled away from each other and stared into each others eyes for what seems like hours until we both just broke out into laughter. Big ugly laughter with our mouths wide open. There were even some gross sounding pig snorts in there.
I knew from that moment that everything was going to be ok, well until I heard the sirens and a cop car pulled until the parking lot of morila's......

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