Chapter 3

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"So the mermaid that you talked to when you were 10, she saved you?" Shiro asked.
"Yeah. I know it was her." Keith replied. Shiro looked at him like he was insane.
"How much water did you take in?" He asked.
"I'm serious! I get why you think I'm crazy but I swear she was there!" He sighed. "She was so beautiful. Even I I couldn't see her face, I just knew." Shiro sighed.
"You should get some rest." He said.
"Why is it because I'm crazy?" Keith asked.
"No it's because you're probably tired and aching."
"Fine fine." Keith said. He got up and went to his room. He changed into some sweatpants when his phone rang. He saw it was Lance.
"Hello." Keith said.
"Hey uh Keith um remember how you said you saw a mermaid?" Lance says.
"Yes Lance now I don't need your teasing."
"No no no I- I think I saw one too." Keith's eyes went wide.
"You- you what?" Keith said with shock.
"Yeah, I just was tying my boat back up to the dock and I thought I saw someone and when I looked I saw..." Lance paused. "A- a tail."
"What did it look like?!" Keith immediately replied.
"I don't know um scaly and... pink? It was all so fast. Look you said your mermaid was green right?" Lance asked.
"So then there must be more than one! So if there's two than we both get two hot mer-girlfriends!"
"You're messing with me, aren't you Lance?"
"Sorry I realize how that sounds, but I really did see a mermaid. I swear!!"
"Hmm, I don't know Lance. You sound like you're crazy." Keith said in a mocking tone.
"Alright I'm sorry for teasing you all these years. You happy?"
"Yes. Yes I am."

Kidge story, Mermaid auWhere stories live. Discover now