Chapter 15

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"So what are you gonna do?" Lance asked Allura.
"I'm- I'm going home." She said.
"What about Katie?" He asked.
"She made up her mind. There's nothing I can do." She said sadly.
"But won't you say goodbye?" She shook her head.
"I'm probably the last person she wants to see." She turned to Lance. "Goodbye Lance. (Lonce)" She said kissing his cheek. "You're a good kisser." She turned and walked away. Lance sighed.
"Stupid stupid stupid." He said to himself. "She was right there and what did you do? Stand there like an oaf. Stupid stupid stupid 'Lonce.'"

Truthfully, Allura didn't go straight home. She stayed on land for a bit. Walking around town glumly. She had hopes that maybe she could see her sister again, but she knew it wasn't possible.
"Allura!" She heard. She turned to see Lotor approaching.
"Hello Lotor." She said.
"Hey. What happened to your boyfriend?" He asked her.
"Oh we... broke up." She said.
"Oh, what a shame. So are you busy right now?" He asked.
"No but I should be getting home." She said, trying to think of anything to get away from him.
"Oh come on. You can stay a bit longer." He said grabbing her hand.
"No really I-"
"Allura. I really want you to stay. I think we could pick up. Be together. What do you think?"
"Seriously? You only wanted me because you thought was hot. You only wanted to have me in your arms. There is no way it's even happening again." She said turning away from him.
"Allura please." He said grabbing her waist and turning her back around
"No! Let go of me!" She said. She slapped his face and he released. She quickly went away. He stood in shock for a few seconds. Then anger began to boil in him. His phone buzzed.
'We have eyes on the green one.' Axca texted.
'Go for it.' He replied.
"Okay Allura. Now it's time for you to pay."

Lance had found Keith and Katie and told them what happened.
"Now she thinks you're super mad at her." Lance explained.
"I'm not mad at her! I need to find her now! I have to apologize!" She said running ahead.
"Katie wait! You don't even know where she is!" Keith shouted at her. She ran very fast and he began to run to catch up. Just then a car pulled up next to her and three girls hopped out. Katie scream as they grabbed her and tossed her in.
"Katie!" Keith yelled running faster. He tried as hard as he could to catch up but they quickly sped off with her.
"Oh my god. What do we do?" Lance asked catching up to Keith.
"We need to find Allura. Where was she going?"
"She said she was going home. But that's the whole ocean."
"Garrison beach! It's always empty! She's most likely going there. Come on!" He said running for his car.
"Let go of me!" Katie said struggling.
"Don't worry sweetheart." One of them said.
"Yeah Ariel." The one holding her said.
"Just breath." She said holding a cloth over her mouth and nose. She struggled and kicked but she was weaker then the other one. Her world slowly went black as she breathed in the scent.

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