Chapter 8

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"You what?!" Allura yells.
"I kissed him." Katie says dreamily.
"Oh no this is not good." Allura says staring to panic.
"What? You kissed that other boy."
"Yes but I didn't spend hours teaching them how to swim." Katie sighed.
"I think he... likes me." She said. "And I-well. I don't know. I think I like him too."
"Oh dear." Allura sighed covering her face with her hands.
"Do you remember that thing mom would tell us about?" Katie asked.
"What thing?"
"The thing about one of the powers that we have is to can change our tails into legs?"
"Katie whatever you're thinking, no."
"Just no."

"Oh hey Keith. How was the beach?" Shiro asked as Keith walked in the door.
"Beautiful." He responded dazed.
"Is everything okay?" Shiro asked tasing an eyebrow.
"Everything is going swimmingly Shiro." He said. "Just swimmingly." Keith made his way to his room and closed the door. He flopped down on his bed and grinned. He thought back to that moment, wanting to go back. Wanting to hold her there for longer. To look into her eyes all day. He suddenly realized what was happening to him.
"I love her."

Katie tossed and turned in her bed, waiting for the right time. At that moment, she began to hear allura snore. She got out of her bed and swam out of their grotto. She made her way to garrison beach. She climbed onto the shore and sat there in the moonlight. She took a deep breath, putting her hands on her tail and closing her eyes.
"What was the rhyme?" She said to herself.
"This to my tail, I bid ado,
I choose the leave the ocean blue.
And for my time out on the land
I give my tail so I can stand."
Her tail then started glowing and she opened her eyes to watch and she saw her tail split in two. She smiled when her fins turned to toes and her scales to knees. The light emanating from her tail faded as she saw what had happened.
"Legs. I. Have. Legs!" She squealed as she rubbed her hands up and down them. She bent her knees and wiggled her toes in excitement. "Okay okay. Now time to stand." She said to herself. She very wobbly stood up and to her surprise, actually balanced. She attempted to take a step forward towards land. She stomped he feet onto the sand trying to work out how to walk. She kept loosing her balance but was always able to pick herself back up.
"Now if I remember correctly, Keith's house is this way." She says walking in the same direction. (Her sense of direction is really good because she needed to be able to navigate oceans) When she got to his house, she went over to his window and knocked. Keith woke up to her knocking and begrudgingly went to his window. He opens the blinds and was wide awake when he saw her standing there.
"K-Katie? What- how did you?"
"Legs!" He heard as she lifted up one of her legs to immediately fall over. He ran out of the house to see her still waiting at his window.
"Oh there you are!" She said when she notices him.
"Oh you are um," Keith said covering his eyes.
"Here! I know!"
"No no, um you're uh. Hang on a second." He said quickly running back inside. He can back out with one of his blankets and wrapped her in it. "There."
"Ooo what is this. I like it." She said. He chuckled.
"Come on, let's go inside." He brought her into his room and sat her on his bed.
"How are you... here?" He asked her.
"Well I said this rhyme that my mom taught me and bam! Legs!" She said. Keith sighed.
"Okay. Um maybe you should rest. We'll figure this out in the morning."
"Okay, where do you want me to go?" She asked.
"You can just uh, take my bed. I'll sleep down here." He said.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"Yeah." Keith replied
"Okay then." She said laying down on the bed. Keith laid down on the floor and closed his eyes, processing everything. He thought to himself. 'Wha- I just? Ugh. In the morning.'

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