Chapter 22

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They brought them all back to shore and sent them home. Before he got off the boat, Lotor turned to everyone.
"Thank you." He said. This kind of thank you wasn't just a required. It felt real. Keith climbed out of the boat after him and went to the edge of the dock.
"Do you, have to go?" He asked Katie. She pulled herself onto the dock. She leaned in and gave Keith a tender kiss. "Should I take that as a yes?" He said after. He looked to see her, tears in her eyes. He began to choke up too.
"I love you." She said. "And I want to stay with you forever but. It's just too dangerous."
"I understand." He replied. "I'll never forget you. I love you." At this she kissed him again, tears rolling down her face. When they let go, he wiped them away. She climbed back in the water and gave them one last wave before disappearing underneath. Keith stood up, tears going down his face, and turned to Shiro.
"Let's go home." He said. Shiro came over and hugged him. They walked away back to their car. Lance kept watching the water. He soon went his way home

~Months later~

"Reports say that the son of the CEO of Galra Tech, has come forward about the working conditions at his fathers company. He has stated that they have been payed less than what they are working, and been forced into hazardous conditions. Lotor said that recently, he had been enlightened to try to do the right thing. I asked him what caused this in an interview with him, and he said that it was a 'miraculous event.' More details on this at 11." Keith shut the T.V off after that.
"Wow." Shiro said.
"I can't believe it." Keith said.
"All because of mermaids." Shiro added
"What? No that's crazy talk Shiro. What makes you think mermaids are real?" Keith said playfully. Shiro sighed.
"Do you still look?" Shiro asked.
"Every single day." Keith replied. "Even if she's never coming back, I'll still always look."
"Well I'm gonna head to work." Shiro said. "See you later."
"See you." Keith sighed. He walked out back to his dock and sat down. He took his shoes off and put his feet in the water.
"I don't know any hippos but I do know manatees. Very friendly creatures." He heard from next to him. He look over to see Katie next tot he dock. He jumped in and pulled her in for a kiss.
"Hi." She said.
"Hello miss." He responded.
"You are late." She said.
"Shiro left late."
"That's no excuse. Now I'll have to kiss you more." They kissed again and held each other.
"So, were will we swim today?" Katie asked.
"I don't care. You pick."
"Hmm Diabazaal reef?"
"Race ya." She said disappearing underwater. He followed after her, smiling at her joy. He didn't care if he lost. He had her. That's all he wanted everyday he swam with her. And it's all he ever needed.

The End

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