Chapter 14

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"Katie!" Keith called out. He had lost her because she had run so fast.
"She not here." He heard. He looked to see her curls up against one of the posts for the pier. He sighed.
"Katie I was so worried." He said going over and sitting with her.
"Why? I only ever destroy stuff. Ya know thought I could go one day without messing up but noooo." She put her head in her knees. "I'm just a screw up."
"You and me both." He said. "Look there is no way in any reality I could understand your life but even if I can't, I'm still here. Still here for you to cry into and vent into. Right here." She turned and hugged him and cried into his chest.
"I want to stay with you." She said. He looked at her. "I want to be with you. I want you to teach me what humans do. How they live, how they eat. Everything! And not just that." She sat up and held his hand. "Allura was right. I'm in love with you. I don't know what caused it within so little time but, I just am."
He looked at her. He leaned in and kissed her. They had kissed before but this time it was different. This kiss felt like it meant something. They held themselves in that kiss for as long as they could. Katie then let go. She smiled at Keith and practically jumped into his arms. They embraced each other.
"I think I love you too." She giggled and kissed his cheek.

"How do you even know it was her that did it?" Axca asked.
"I saw it all happen. I saw her get angry. She was with my ex-girlfriend, the one I saw as a mermaid. I think she might be one too." Lotor said.
"You do realize how crazy this all sounds right?" Zethrid said.
"Look you're either with me so we can make a fortune selling this amazing discovery to science. Or you can leave and make you own fortune in a different get rich quick scheme."
"Eh I got nothin to loose. I'm in." Ezor said.
"Alright I'm in." Zethrid said. They all looked at Axca. She rolled her eyes and sighed.
"Fine! I'll join your little team."
"Yay!" Ezor said clapping.
"Perfect." Lotor said. "You three will start with the little green one. But Allura is mine."
"Sounds like a plan." Zethrid said.
"Sooner or later Allura. You'll learn what it means to mess with me."

I have so many idea for new chapter but I have to stop myself because I need sleep. I have stuff I need to do tomorrow and I can go tired. I will definitely be working on more chapters soon but tonight I was an idea MACHINE. But I promise the new chapters will be soon.
Thanks for reading!

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