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Jaemin's POV

On a rainy Sunday morning, Jaemin was finishing up some documents the CEO had asked for. He was planning something brilliant and it was all thanks to her, 'Red Flower'.

As Jaemin was typing away, there was a knock at his door, to be revealing Jeno and the dark red envelope in his hands. Jaemin's eyes widened as soon as he saw it.

"Your guard told me to give you this." Jeno reached out his hand with the envelope and I took it.

"Thanks." I said but as I was about to close the door his voice stopped me.

"Do you need any help or anything? You haven't been sleeping much doing all that stuff." Jeno pointed towards the computer as I shook my head.

"I'm gonna finish it and get rest afterwards. No need to worry." I smiled before closing the door and running the desk with a pen and paper.

Jaemin opened 'Red Flower's' letter and laughed a bit.

"Dear the ugliest and dumbest cow Jaemin,

How do I say this.. you're the most fucking gullible ass person who's a fake bitch and thief on the planet. If I told you even now that track #3 was better, you'd believe me. Anyone will tell you anything and you'll believe it because you're just that stupid Jaemin. Must be so hard to be considered one of the prettiest people on the planet and to reach up to the standards of being a dumb ass blonde frat boy. Tsk tsk. You are gaining my trust, but I'm not going to let you know everything just yet.

Red Flower

P.S. anything sour or gummy is perfect"

Though he was a bit hurt by the mean comments, he was getting used to it and knew it wasn't from the heart. He knew she wasn't serious after she told him her favorite track. He's just been along since then.

Jaemin had a plan, like 'Red Flower' he wanted to make her fall, but with his kindness that is. And that's why Jaemin was running out to the closest convenience store.

As soon as Jaemin came back, he had 3 bag fulls of the candies he could find that matched along the lines of 'Red Flower's' taste. Jeno was in the living room and stared at him as he just walked back into his room, out of breathe but with a huge smile plastered on his stunning face.

Jaemin sat down in at his desk, pen in his hand and began to write.

"Dear Red Flower,

You're liking the music more and more and you think one of the prettiest people in the world? It's funny how you've went to, "your music makes my ears bleed" to "track #9." Thank you for that, being open to me and somehow believing me. I don't think I've ever said this but I'm saying it now, thank you. And a way of showing my gratitude, I went and got all the candies I could find that fit with your tastebuds and hopefully you'll like it. I've marked my person favorites with a star, something no one knows so it's the secret I'm revealing in this letter. Share or keep it all for yourself, I really just wanted to show how much I thank you. You're one of the first people I can actually genuinely say this to, who has personally done something to me on a great level. I don't think I can explain it to you yet tho. I'm going to apologize ahead of time now because I've been having a lot of plans for new music coming out. My letters might be shorter than these or even take longer to be mailed and replied to. I hope you can check it out when it's out, and you'll see why when it happens.

Your love,

P.S. Tell me something about someone you love."

Jaemin boxed up the candies and had it mailed to her. He couldn't wait to get her reply.

UWU! Another one!
How will 'Red Flower' react to this?
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