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Red Flower's POV

On Tuesday, 'Red Flower' was greeted with a giant box in front of her door. The box was baby blue, and ofcourse, she knew it was Jaemin.

As she walked inside the house with the big box in her arms, a little heavy, her mom stood before her in the kitchen. 'Red Flower' dropped the box as she saw the demonizing eyes of her mother land onto it.

"Who's that from? They clearly have no sense of professionally with that hideous color." She dipped her coffee and her red lipstick stained the coffee cup. Something I'd have to scrub off later.

"It's from Crystal, I'll agree with you on the color thing tho." I walked out with the box as fast as I could. My mom could ruin everything if she found out the real truth.

As soon as 'Red Flower' reached her room she opened the box, and a variety of junk food and other snacks was at her eyes. She took the letter out of the box, also in the baby blue seal like normal, and began to read what it said.

When she opened the letter, she felt her heart race. She didn't notice it at first, but she did nonetheless notice it. How her heart raced when she even thought about Jaemin frightened her. She was falling too deep, she needed to stop this. And what he had written might've helped with that.

"Dear Red Flower,

You're liking the music more and more and you think one of the prettiest people in the world? It's funny how you've went to, "your music makes my ears bleed" to "track #9." Thank you for that, being open to me and somehow believing me. I don't think I've ever said this but I'm saying it now, thank you. And a way of showing my gratitude, I went and got all the candies I could find that fit with your tastebuds and hopefully you'll like it. I've marked my person favorites with a star, something no one knows so it's the secret I'm revealing in this letter. Share or keep it all for yourself, I really just wanted to show how much I thank you. You're one of the first people I can actually genuinely say this to, who has personally done something to me on a great level. I don't think I can explain it to you yet tho. I'm going to apologize ahead of time now because I've been having a lot of plans for new music coming out. My letters might be shorter than these or even take longer to be mailed and replied to. I hope you can check it out when it's out, and you'll see why when it happens.

Your love,

P.S. Tell me something about someone you love."

She kept reading over the words, 'you'll see why when it happens.' Her heart beat quicker as she overthought about the possibilities of what he was talking about.

The question he had asked was too personal. She didn't know if making him think it was him was a good idea, but anything to ruin him was good. So she wrote what she wanted, though her heart didn't feel right to do so.

"Dear fat ass Jaemin,

Don't get your head so caught up with my words, I only say what others do and me stating it doesn't mean I believe it. And bitch, it ain't fucking Halloween, I don't need all this shit like I'm some little kid at your door going "trick or treat." Most of the shit you picked out is gross, your "personal favorites" suck ass too. Everything about you sucks ass Jaemin. And I'm glad you're gonna be busy, it means I won't have to waste my time with writing to you anymore you cunt. Your new music with fail, as always since it sucks so much.

to answer your question, I hate everything about them. And I guess we have a love for sour patch kids and Twix.

Red Flower"

She sealed the envelope again, with the bloody wax almost spilling on her. She sends it out to be mailed immediately, tho she knew it wouldn't get a reply so quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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