Chapter 4: Sincerely, Me

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The next day at school Virgil found Roman and rushed up to him. "Roman! I need your help!"

Roman rolled his eyes and took a step back. "What do you need, emo nightmare?"

"I messed up and I need your help fixing it!"

"Well... what did you do? I can't help if you don't say anything."

Virgil shifted on his feet. How could he tell Roman that he entirely ignored his advice when put on the spot. "So... last night the Picani's asked me about Janus and how we talked since he hardly had his phone and I lied and said secret emails." He said all in one breath.

"How do you expect me to help you? This is your mess, all because you didn't listen to me, anyway." Roman crossed his arms and waited.

"Well you're pretty smart.. you know about computers.. could you help me out with some emails, date them back or something?" Virgil toyed with his hands in his hoodie pocket.

Roman thought for a moment. "What's in it for me?"

Virgil sighed. "Roman please? We might not be close friends but you're the only person I can talk to about this. Besides my dad thought I was at your house working on a school project so this will make it not exactly a lie!"

Roman chuckled. "Fine, but only because my parents were wondering when I'd go over again."

"Thank you!"

That evening, at Virgil's house, Roman and Virgil were sat on Virgil's bed creating fake emails. As he read through the emails, Virgil pictured Dexter saying them to him.

"Dear Virgil Sanders, we've been way too out of touch! Things have been crazy and it sucks that we don't talk that much!" Janus, or what Virgil saw as Janus's ghost, appeared and approached the two. "But I should tell you that I think of you each night! I rub my nipples and start moaning with delight-"

Virgil put his hand on the keyboard to stop Roman from typing. "Why would you write that?!"

"I'm just trying to tell the truth!" Roman said between chuckled.

"These emails have to be perfect! They need to show that we were actually friends- let me do it!"

Virgil took the laptop and imagined Janus again, backspacing and rewriting the email.

"I gotta tell ya life without ya has been hard-"

"Hard?" Roman stifled another laugh.

"Has been bad-"

"'Bad'?" With air quotes.

"Has been rough!" Virgil punctuated the word pointedly as Roman laughed harder.


Virgil rolled his eyes but kept typing. The image of Janus dancing around him kept him going. "And I miss talking about life and... uh other stuff."

"Very specific-"

Virgil swatted at his friend. "Shut up."

"I like my parents."

Roman gave him a questioning look. "Dude, who says that?"

Virgil backspaced again. "I love my parents but each day's another fight. If I stop smoking drugs then everything might be alright-"

Roman scoffed. "Smoking drugs?" And took the laptop back as Virgil huffed "just fix it!"

"If I stop smoking crack-" the smaller boy stopped him again.


"If I stop smoking pot then everything might be alright." Janus's "ghost" sat next to Virgil and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'll take your advice, try to be more 'nice'!" air quotes, god he's basically Roman. "I'll turn it around, wait and see!"

Dear Virgil Sanders [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now