Chapter 8: Sincerely, "Me"

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Logan sits at his laptop, Skyping Virgil while they record their new campaign for the Dexter Project.

"Hey Everybody, it's me, Logan Burns, Janus Project co-President, associate treasurer, media consultant, chief technology officer, and assistant creative director slash publish policy director for creative policy initiatives for The Janus Project."

When Logan finishes his long introduction, Virgil speaks up, a newfound confidence radiating off of him. He's wearing a different polo, a more bold shade of magenta. The similar colored cast was gone.

"Hi, I'm Virgil. I'm co-President of the Janus Project."

His title seemed small in comparison but everyone knew is name, so he figured he'd let Logan do whatever he wanted and gain whatever titles he liked, considering Virgil was the main headline of the Janus Project.

Logan smiled and greeted the camera, his false cheerfulness making Virgil a bit uneasy, though he didn't show it. "I hope you're all having a wonderful day, I wish we could see so many amazing faces watching this live broadcast and thank you for checking out our inspirational videos posted this week."

"Yes the awesome videos with special interviews from Janus's family, Mr Emile Picani and Mr Reminard, Remy for short, Picani. As well as his brother Patton P-"

Logan cut him off. "As well as another moving speech from our dearly beloved co-President Virgil Sanders."

Virgil cleared his throat. "As you know, Janus's favorite place to ever exist was the Fallen Leaves Apple Orchard."

"The stunning Fallen Leaves Apple Orchard which closed tragically several years ago."

Covering Virgil's face for a few seconds was a photo from the orchard taken a few days ago, with the tree stumps and overgrown brush, a large FOR SALE sign nailed to the rickety fence.

"Janus loved trees-" Virgil started. Again, Logan cut him off.

"Janus was obsessed with trees. He and Virgil would spend hours sitting together at the Orchard talking all about the beautiful trees that were once standing on that very hill."

"But the one thing Janus wished more than anything else was that one day, the Orchard would be reborn."

Logan nodded, pressing a button. "Which is where you come in." Their faces flashed off the screen and in their place was a digital fly through of a newly replenished Fallen Leaves Apple Orchard, with a new park on one side and all new Apple trees and places for harvesters to get baskets and drop off freshly picked apples.

Virgil grinned at Logan over their Skype call. "Today we are staring a major kickst-"

Logan butted in again. "One of the biggest ambitions of Kickstarter initiatives since the Internet was created to raise... fifty-thousand dollars..."

When Logan trailed off, Virgil picked it up. "Fifty-thousand dollars... in three weeks."

"I know it's a lot of money but it's also a lot of amazing, so let's do it and..."

Together they popped the cherry, or apple in their case, on top of their campaign. "Make The Janus Picani Memorial Orchard not just a dream..."

Virgil went to finish the speech, like rehearsed. Though nothing really went as rehearsed today. "But a real-"

Logan topped him again. Louder than him. "But a reality."

Usually he and Roman would Skype after school to write more letters but Virgil let him write one for Janus while he did the livestream. This is what he saw when he looked on the google doc.

Dear Virgil Sanders [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now