Chapter 12: Good For You

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The next day in the Sanders's living room. Virgil is sat on the stairs as his dad is pacing the floors. It's evident that Virgil's gonna be in trouble.

"Do you know how mortifying it is?! To find out that your son has been spending every night in somebody else's home and you didn't even know it?" He whipped around to look at Virgil, his eyes flashing with hurt and anger. "You told me you were at Roman's."

"If you're not here then why does it matter where I am?!" Virgil stood up, looking his dad in the eyes.

Thomas glared. "They think you're their son! These people-"

"They are not just 'these people.' They're my.."

"What? What are they?" Thomas demanded.

"I don't know."

"Because they act like you're their, like they've adopted you! Like I just don't even exist!"

"They take care of me!" Virgil's heart wrenched at the angry tone of his father but knew he didn't understand why he'd ever started talking to them.

"They are not your parents! That isn't your family, Virgil!"

"They're nice to me."

"Yes they're lovely people but they don't even know you."

Virgil rolled his eyes. "And you do?"

"I thought I did."

"What do you know about me?" He folded his arms, glaring at his father. "You don't know anything about me, you never even see me."

"I am trying my best, Virgil."

"They like me! I know how hard that is to believe. They don't think that I'm, that there's anything wrong with me!" He felt tears pricking at his eyes. "That I need to be fixed, like you do!"

Thomas felt like he was being stabbed. "When have I ever said that?!"

"I go to therapy! I have to take drugs!"

"I am your father! My job is to take care of you!"

"I know! I'm such a burden! I'm the worst thing that ever happened to you! I ruined your life!" He shouted, furious at the feelings he just let out.

"You are the..." Thomas paused, took a deep breath and composed himself. "You are the one good thing that has ever happened to me, Virgil." He paused as he saw Virgil grabbing a bag to spend the night somewhere. "I'm sorry I can't give you anything more than that."

"Well." He turned back around for one second. "It's not my fault that other people can."

And he walks out the door, leaving his dad alone.

Thomas walks around the house, seeing red everywhere. He just blew up at his son and now he thinks that he doesn't love and care about him.

But it's his fault.

"So you found a place where the grass is greener and you jumped the fence to the other side. Is it good? Are they giving you a world I could never provide?"

He went to his office, sitting and looking at shelves upon shelves of childhood memories. Where had his baby boy gone?

"Well I hope you're proud of the big decision. Yeah I hope that it's all that you want and more. Now you're free from the agonizing life you were living before..."

He yanked off a picture of him and Roman as kids at a work party. Roman and Virgil has ways gotten along so well. When had he started using him as an excuse?

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