9. Sessions

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Sakura liked training with Konan. She was the only one Sakura could throw her fists at, full-strength, and not worry about the consequences.

Konan's body was one with her jutsu, so it was nearly impossible to rupture her internal organs, or fracture any bones unless Sakura really wanted to. Their training sessions together were gruelling and exhausting, and Sakura wouldn't have it any other way.

On her rare days off and when Itachi was out of the village, Sakura spent them with Konan. It was nice to be able to talk to someone who wasn't her senpai, or her kouhai, or her student. And sometimes, despite how much she loved him, it wasn't the same confiding in her husband as it was with another woman.

Konan was a bit older than her but they felt the same age what with Konan's incredible skincare routine that kept her looking very youthful.

Panting, the purple-haired woman rolled onto her back and stared up at the sky. It was nearing midday. They had been sparring for hours.

"Haa...I'm glad today is your day off. Kami knows one more day and I'd have assassinated the entire Akatsuki with my bare hands," she sighed, and Sakura laughed.

Being surrounded with males constantly wasn't Konan's idea of fun, especially when one had masochistic tendencies, and the others were just unhygienic imbeciles who needed babying. As if she didn't already have children to worry about; she also had grown men with the brain cells of toddlers.

Sakura considered herself lucky to have taken the best end of the stick with Itachi who loathed uncleanliness all thanks to his perfectionist habits.

"Mm. How is Makoto-chan and Hibiki-chan?"

Konan smiled. "Good. Makoto started walking last week, and Hibiki keeps calling Yahiko mama. It is the most precious thing."

Sakura sat upright quickly and clutched her cheeks. "Ah, the last time I saw them they were still teeny-tiny!"

"Yes. They have grown a lot now," nodded Konan.

"Time really goes by quickly when you're not paying attention, huh. Maybe I should come visit them today," the Uchiha woman suggested with a grin. "I want to squish Makoto's chubby-chubby cheeks!"

Konan was late to motherhood but she and her partner, Yahiko, had two children. Makoto was twelve-months old, and Hibiki was three. They were the most adorable children with matching bright orange hair and their mother's sharp almond all-seeing eyes.

"Ne, ne, if you need a babysitter ever let me know," gushed Sakura.

Sakura didn't know the story between the two lovers all that well, just that they had grown up together. Something happened when they were younger, and Konan described it as if Yahiko had really truly died. And speaking as though their life together was like a second chance at redemption, or something of a resurrection, Konan married him.

"You are first on my list," Konan insisted. "And how are things with Itachi-san?"

Sakura was quiet a moment as she stared down at her own hands, and then she looked out of the dojo into the rain with a smile in the corner of her mouth. "Have you ever loved someone so much it hurts?"


"Then that's my answer."

Konan's lips curled upwards. A gust swept through the barren training court, brushing back the stray hairs that had slipped from Konan's pony tail, sticking them to her sweaty skin. "Time is short, Sakura. Especially for shinobi. Especially in Amegakure. With your talents and prowess, we could use you in the Akatsuki. Won't you join us? You will be able to see Itachi-san more often."

The Uchiha shook her head. "Thank you for the offer, but I'll have to decline. I have enough on my plate raising the next generation as it is," she chuckled, forming her hand into a fist in front of her body. Determination.

Konan nodded. "Aa. I figured you'd say that." It wasn't the first time she offered the position, and it wouldn't be the last. But Konan wouldn't let their Leader blackmail Sakura into it, not like he had everyone else. "Can I ask for a solid instead?"

"Of course! What is it?"

Konan lifted a hand and paper slid from her palm, forming a photograph of a man. His name was unimportant but his actions were of utmost significance.

"This man," said Konan, "has been trying to sell information about our village to outsiders."

Sakura paused a moment and understood what Konan was insinuating. She took the image, imprinted it into her memory, and gave a curt nod.

"Consider it done."

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