11. Patience and Patients

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She was making note of her schedule for the rest of the day when she saw them— her two most entertaining patients. Again, the nurses had put them in the same room, and as Sakura giggled behind her hand, she knew what kind of mischief they were up to now.

Sakura rasped her knuckles gently on the door before pushing it open. One male had an IV drip attached to his arm and the other was lying there, soundly.

"I'd say it's lovely to see you two again, but under the circumstances, that is not the case," mused Sakura with an eyebrow raised.


"Chakra depletion...again, Mori-san," she scolded, "And, Furuda-san. You should know better by now, shouldn't you?"

The two men hung their heads in shame. "You're right," they agreed. But they still never learned.

Mori and Furuda were the two ikemen that Sakura was telling Itachi about — the ones that the nurses were plotting to set up. Sometimes, Sakura didn't doubt that a few went out of their way to make sure the two shinobi got to spend as much alone time together as possible.

Mori was the same age as Sakura, and Furuda was a few years younger. The former happened to be on his way to mentoring his third gennin team, and the latter was a jonin which really explained why they were constantly in the conditions they were in — yet they were grown men who should've known better.

Sakura shook her head lightly and her small smile stayed in its place.

"It's not so serious this time!" Furuda defended, sitting upright.

"Tomomi-san said we'd be out of here in the next twenty-four hours," Mori insisted.

Sakura rolled her eyes playfully and began to shut the door again. "Right. Well, until then enjoy your hospital food."

Simultaneously, they pulled a face of disgust. Furuda leaned forwards in his bed, white sheet sliding from his chest.

"W-wait, can't you please get someone to bring us something from the outside? Like you did last time?" he asked pleadingly with a look of horror sparkling in his brown eyes. The last time he ate hospital food, the bread tasted like cardboard and the rice was stale. His taste buds were begging to not be treated so treacherously.

"Ehhhh? Oh no, special treatment like that is for patients that deserve it," teased the Uchiha woman, turning up her nose. "Besides, it's not so bad when you're starving."

Recalling what she had overheard before walking in, she shot the two men a suggestive look, wiggling her pink brows.

"Why don't you two just treat yourselves to udon when you're both discharged, hm? Mori-san was right. The noodle stall downtown is the best, even better when it's with the right company."

Mori's face went bright red. "Sakura-san!" he hissed, realising he was caught out.

Furuda went quiet, pursing his lips as he held back his own fluster, but Sakura spotted the blush creeping up his neck and dusting his ears.

Sakura laughed aloud. She couldn't resist teasing them if they made cute expressions like that. "Rest well, you two!" And off she slinked out of the room, suddenly excited to inform Itachi of the development in Room 209.

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