18. Balance

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While Konan had told her not to get her hopes up, not even two weeks later did she find herself at the other end of Leader's desk with a sheepish look on her face and her hands behind her back. On her way to his office, Sakura had recited an unorthodox apology for she had thought she had been caught and was in trouble.

Indecently punching Deidara through a wall for being too daringly handsy wasn't exactly very professional of her — especially not since he was one of shinobi to work directly under Leader and she was tasked to keep him healthy. He would've been bed-bound with a collapsed rib cage had she not healed him immediately, and all the other nurses had sworn not to tell.

"Sakura-san," started her orange-haired ruler.

"I can explain!" she blurted out, cheeks heating up as she fought down her urge to get her side of the story out first. This wouldn't be the first time she was called for punishment and it probably wouldn't be the last.

The man arched an eyebrow and shot a look towards his right hand woman who only refused to make eye contact with him. It took him a moment to realise that Sakura's uncharacteristic shivering was over concern for that Iwa no Deidara who — yes, he had heard Sakura had flung him through her building, and yes, he most likely deserved it — was currently nursing achy ribs before he was deployed again. But Leader wasn't mad.

Konan had in fact informed him — "Deidara-san has it coming." And he agreed, wholeheartedly. Sakura had a temper, unmatched. He, himself, witnessed it firsthand on many occasions. Which was exactly why he hardly dealt with her.

It was easier to impose his will where she was unconcerned.

"Sakura-san, please. Calm yourself. I am certain Konan has spoken to you about Kirigakure's invitation to the Chunin Exams."

Sakura's face lit up in surprise. She tossed away her pout and all her excuses, eager for the opportunity to hear more about the event her friend had told her about not too long ago.

"She has," confirmed the Uchiha woman, practically bursting at the seams with curiosity.

"I wanted to inform you that of nine teams, your team will be one of them to attend. Konan has brought to my attention that you also house the Nibi, and we cannot allow incidents like the one earlier this year to occur again." The man shifted his eyes down to his desk where he sorted through multiple files containing information on each gennin that volunteered or was recommended for the event. "However, we do not wish to stunt the growth of young Sarumiko considering the prowess she shows signs of."

Sakura's chest bloomed at the praise he displayed towards her student, pride fuelling her straightening posture.

"We have decided to give you the role of Amegakure's representative for the entire duration of the Chunin Exams, and will be sending with you a three-man cell and two additional gennin sensei to manage and oversee the nine teams—"

The pink-haired woman held in her gasp of excitement and her first thought was how she couldn't wait to tell her husband. Granted he wasn't too sure about the whole thing but he knew this was something she looked forward to. Seeing the other students from other villages, talking with the other sensei. As Leader rambled on about her terms and conditions, she wondered if she could possibly befriend one of the foreigners.

"— and you are to draw the least attention possible."

"Yes sir!"

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