12. Holiday Away(ii)

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Sakura couldn't sleep in even if she wanted to. The moment her body clock went off, she sat up out of bed about to start her usual daily routine when she spotted Itachi sprawled out beside her.

His hair loosely spread across his bare back, lying flat on his stomach with his hands under his pillow. He wasn't a snorer, only breathing lightly through his mouth as silent as could be. And Sakura smiled to herself, remembering that they were on vacation together.

The urge to kiss his slumbering face was too strong and she found herself leaning over his body to sweep his long tresses aside so she could see him.

His full lashes were like thick black halos around those deadly eyes of his, cheeks slightly flushed and lips pouted. With the sun pooling into their room, he resembled that of an angel and it gave her butterflies. Because this was her husband. Her husband.

She laughed shortly through her nose and then leaned down to kiss him — his cheekbone, his nose, his lips.

"Nn...—kura..." he mumbled in his sleep, rolling over onto his back.

Grinning even wider, she decided to let him sleep a little longer and headed for the miniature kitchenette. She found a kettle and instant coffee, and brewed it quickly. Three sugars to sedate his sweet tooth, and no milk for herself since she liked the bitter taste.

She placed the cup down on his bedside and lightly shook him awake.

"Anata, I'll make us breakfast."

His weary eyes slowly opened and then he sat upright. "I overslept," he realised, blinking.

"That's all right. I have a fun day planned for us today so stay in bed as long as you like," the Uchiha woman insisted, sipping her long black.

He picked up his own mug. "Oh?"

"Hiking and swimming," she explained with sparkles in her eyes, "There's so many places we can explore— oh, and there's a waterfall at the end of one of the trails that we have to go to!"

She seemed so excited that Itachi had to smile. This was what he loved about her — her willingness to discover, uncover and experience.

As she babbled on about the sights they had to see, he just watched the way she spoke with such endearment and pure glee, the way her lips curled at the ends, the way she blinked incredibly fast, the way she used her hands animatedly to describe something.

He found her smile contagious, and felt like he was falling in love with her all over again. Was there a limit to how much affection and admiration he could have for one person?

"Itachi? Hey. What's that look for?" she asked after a moment, tilting her head.

He leaned forwards to close the gap between them, bringing his free hand to cup her cheek.

"No reason," he sighed, completely and utterly consumed by her. "I just really love you, is all."

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